<p>My parents didn't go to colleges.
How about u guys?</p>
<p>mom - ewha women's university, santa clara u
dad - seoul national, santa clara u, usc</p>
<p>mom - Banaras Hindu University</p>
<p>dad - Kurnool Medical College, Robert Wagner School of Public Service (NYU)</p>
<p>Mom - Sogang University (Seoul), Uni of Lancaster (UK)
Daddy - Ditto, ditto, and Uni of Hull (UK)</p>
<p>My mom went to Ithaca College
My dad went to Penn State</p>
<p>my parents didnt go to college</p>
<p>Cornell and Cornell</p>
<p>University of Florida, Boston University</p>
<p>mom-- city college of new york for ugrad/med school
dad-- columbia ugrad and grad</p>
<p>Lucky legacy! I could probably get into Cornell if I wanted to...but I just don't want to go there :-(</p>
<p>my parents went to: La Universidad Nacional Pedro Henriquez Ure</p>
<p>dad: Moscow U., Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of World History
mom: Moscow U., Georgetown</p>
<p>Indian Institute of Technology, Madras and Bombay</p>
<p>Bowdoin and Bowdoin</p>
<p>my parents didn't go, or rather couldn't go.</p>
<p>Dad - Columbia
Mom- St. Petersburg (russia) college of Cinema engineering</p>
<p>hmm...dad didnt go..mom..i think went to some college in bangladesh...but they each had to take care of 7 or 8 younger siblings after their father (died/abandoned) them..</p>
<p>Both my parents went to University of Delaware because the had to put themselves through college. My dad then went to UPenn for med school and my mom to UD again for her masters.
I'm very jealous of the legacies here.</p>
<p>hmm..for some reason im not jealous..i dont care..i dont think it should matter where your parents went..maybe i say that..because my parents went no where..heh..but ya know what i love my parents..and i think they are the most hard working parents in the world..my dad put all his bros through college (4)..but he couldnt put himself cuz he had to bring in the money..so hes awesome..ok ok me shut up now</p>
<p>o yeh btw..daria..is it jealousy or envy?..heh my teacher pointed it out ..its two diff things..envy is when u want that thing..i forgot what jealousy was..</p>
<p>I guess it would be envy. But it sounds weird when you're like oh I'm so envious of you.</p>