I’m currently a student in VA and am wondering which colleges I should look at or which ones I can get in to?
I didn’t perform well freshman or sophomore year because I took way too many honors courses for my abilities at the time and simply wasn’t mature enough to handle the workload. I understand my failure here in these regards and that they will impact my application of course.
Freshman Year I had all honors courses and ended with a 3.057 GPA, Sophomore Year I had all honors courses and one AP and ended with a 3.157, Junior Year or technically the year that just finished I did a heck of a lot better. I ended that year with a 3.63 GPA with three AP courses, one honors course and one regular course. I matured a lot last year and buckled down on myself. In addition to all this I have three years of football, two years of FBLA, two years of FMPA(Future Medical), and a year of robotics, this is based off what my application to a college would look like when I apply this fall. I scored an 1880 on my SAT as well and will retake it in the fall to see if I can get a 2000+ which shouldn’t be too much work, I’ve also done volunteer work at animal shelters, INOVA hospital, and several other places.
What colleges should I be looking at? I want to become a dentist but I will apply undeclared or something else because I’m not 100% set on it more like 70%. I was currently thinking VCU, Penn State Upark, GMU, JMU, University of Maryland. I would like a bigger school and a nice campus but I’m open to most colleges. Please do help me and I apologize for bad spelling or grammar I am injured from football right now and have to type this on my phone with one hand. Thanks.