<p>i have seen people on their stats profiles and chance threads put a job, website, and some weird people game levels (like say runescape level 49 or something like that) etc. as their ECs. Can you put your job or even all that weird stuff on your app?</p>
<p>yo peoples this is a serious question and i need someone to answer.</p>
<p>Jobs have a separate section on the CommonApp. Maintaining a website can be a pretty significant extracurricular, depending on who you are and how serious the website is (maintaining a real website can really help someone who clearly wants to be a computer science major, for example). “Weird things” as you define them (video games) don’t belong in the extracurricular section. But other people’s weird things might be really unique activities.</p>
<p>You can list that under extrinsic interests. Perhaps as a hobby so they can know a little more about you.</p>
<p>My brother asked a Jagex staff member to write him an additional rec when he finally resigned as a P-Mod, and he listed his voluntary service in RS as an EC. “Volunteer moderator for a massive online roleplaying game!” :P</p>
<p>He was accepted to Cornell, but passed it up for UF because of a great offer he received. </p>
<p>I wouldn’t add too many random ec’s. Colleges aren’t looking for laundry lists, but rather your hardcore interests. They don’t want to hear about a club you attended one meeting at.</p>
<p>They want to see the main and most significant activities you do. Don’t include all the random things of your life in your application. That’s simply too much for them. </p>
<p>Now, to your question, an extracurricular can almost be anything. It’s pretty tough to define, but typically, ECs go along with something you’d do at school, but even eccentric activities such as scuba diving or collecting certain items or forum moderating are ECs. </p>
<p>It’s really up to common judgment to determine if something’s a legit extracurricular. An EC doesn’t have to be something scholarly or serious like MUN / Science Olympiad, but an EC is DEFINITELY NOT BEING A RUNESCAPE PLAYER / WORLD OF WARCRAFT PLAYER. As mentioned above, being a runescape mod is SOMEWHAT an EC but it’d still be risky to put on an application. Being a RS player could potentially (still risky) be an essay topic but it’s definitely not an EC.</p>