What do I need to do when I tour Alabama?


I’m going to Tuscaloosa next week, on a semi last minute scheduled visit to the University of Alabama. I’m just asking, what are the important things I need to do and see at the University of Alabama?

I’m interested in the political science program, Honors College, and maybe Greek Life, although I’m also hoping to find out about what life is like outside of the Greek system at UA.

Also just in general, what are the most important things to do and see in Tuscaloosa and at the University.

Thank you!

Tuscaloosa is ~90,000 people I think. Not the most impressive town but a decent college town with a pleasant downtown area with a college oriented strip adjacent to campus. I suggest the walking tour over the bus tour if the weather is nice. You get a good feel of the distances and go a bit more slowly. Check out the part of the campus with the student rec center. The trails along the river are a nice walk.

On our tour they did not take us through many of the academic buildings, perhaps because they were in use. But it would have been nice to check out the science buildings. Check out the various libraries to get a feel of the study environment.

Did you set up a tour through the Honors College? They will ask you what you want to do/see specifically. ANYthing you want to do, they can help you arrange. [just saw that you tried to do this, but they are on break this week - make sure on your subsequent tours of schools that you allow enough time to plan your visits properly!]

What are your deal-breakers? What will help you make a firm decision about this school (or any school)? Answering those questions will give us some idea of how to help you more specifically.

If I were you, tho, as a minimum I would ask to meet with the Honors College, a Student Ambassador (who they can assign to you to take you around), eat in a dining hall, visit the Ferg/student center, sit in on a class and/or meet with professors in your college/major, drive around the campus and surrounding areas (esp at night - beautiful!), drive around T’Town and see all that you have access to (shopping, eating, activities, and notice all the student housing options)…and if you don’t have a car, don’t worry, just spend time in and around campus. The fairly new (this year) Supe Store next to the stadium is nice, but there are less expensive places to buy UA-themed goodies to bring home.

Are you coming from far away and this your one-time shot to see the campus? Or could you come back easily? Either way, you will know upon arrival if this is the school for you! Good luck with your decisions.

I’m coming from the central Florida area, but all of my mom’s family is in southern Alabama (in and around Mobile), so we spend a lot of time there; basically, it’s around an 8 hour drive and by no means easy to visit UA, but if the need arose, it wouldn’t be impossible for me to visit again. I’m definitely trying to make the most of this visit, though.

I contacted the school late last week about arranging a visit for the Honor’s College! I’m hoping I’ll hear back from them on Monday and I can arrange something very last minute, but.

Thank you for those suggestions! I’ll certainly try to fit all that in!

If you schedule in advance, you can ask for an appointment with a Greek Ambassador and a tour of a fraternity or sorority house and information about recruitment. But you do need to do that in advance if at all possible.

(1) Stop by Steel City Pops (on University Avenue) and have a popsicle!

(2) Say “hello!” to everyone you walk by on campus - if they’re not wearing headphones (or fixated on their smartphone), they will absolutely say “hello!” right back to you!!!