What do I put for my race on college applications?

<p>I am Puerto Rican so I, of course, put Hispanic down as my ethnicity, but I am extremely confused as to what I put as my race! My father is a very very light Puerto Rican with green eyes and freckles who was born in NY, and has some Spanish ancestry (Spanish as in from Spain. Many people don't realize that). My mother has an olive complexion and has some Taino and Italian ancestry. I have always been told that race is not based on skin tone, but lately I have been hearing that it is. I am just extremely confused. I don't want to sound ignorant because I don't know what my own race is!</p>

<p>Put Hispanic, Native and White.</p>

<p>The OP is right, complexion, appearance, color of hair, etc. are not factors in race. </p>

<p>The vast majority of people from Spain and Italy are white; this is also reflected in the majority white (from Spain) racial composition of PR:</p>

<p><a href=“https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/fields/2075.html[/url]”>https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/fields/2075.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>You can mark white and AI/NA (from your Taino background) as it includes “Original peoples of the Americas”, but don’t necessarily expect to be treated the same as members of NA tribes, for which this category is mainly aimed at.</p>

<p>Really interesting link, entomom! </p>

<p>Most of the Puerto Ricans that I know (including my son) come from a certain blend of backgrounds, and that ethnic background is African, Native American, and Spain Spanish, so on face value, one definitely sees the African influence. My son has been called, “The whitest black guy” by at least two people who have met him for the first time. African-Americans have been known to ask me if my son is part black.</p>

<p>Even after being on these forums, it’s still very confusing to me.</p>

<p>I have the same dilemma as well. I am 100% Dominican. Dominicans are special when it comes to race, same with Cubans. there are white Cubans and black Cubans. </p>

<p>But anyways, whenever asked to put down a race I always put down black or African America because my complexion is dark. </p>

<p>is this inaccurate?</p>

<p>Please read post #1 of the Definition sticky thread: ethnicity (Hispanic) and race are separate concepts; Hispanics can be and are of any race(s).</p>

<p>Yes, putting down AA is correct.</p>

<p>thank you do much for the clarification in both of posts. it is greatly appreciated.</p>