What do you all think my chances ID are?

<p>I would've done ED, but I had sooo much stuff to do that I couldn't get the essays done in time.</p>

<p>National Hispanic Scholar
PSAT: 2010 (760 Math, 660 Reading, 590 Writing)
SAT: 760 Math, 650 Reading
SAT II's: Math 780, Chem 750
Class Rank: 13/454
Unweighted Average: 89
Weighted (AP/IB): 101</p>


<p>Academic Competition (U.I.L. in Texas) for Mathematics, Computer Science, Team Chemistry, Science.</p>

<p>Martial Arts: Tae Kwon Do, Kung Fu, Aikido, and Capoeira (toughie..)</p>

<p>Music: Violin</p>

<p>National Honor Society with about 20+ tutoring hours a month.</p>

<p>Visual Art: I draw a lot in my freetime.</p>

<p>Art Club Treasurer</p>

<p>National Hispanic Institute </p>

<p>Lorenzo De Zavala: Colorado, one of 2 proposals accepted. (Out of 200+)</p>

<p>International Club Member (We learn different languages, currently on German. I speak a bit of Latin and Japanese)</p>

<p>As you can see, English is not my strength; mainly because I've honestly never had an English teacher that was worth having until this year (and my grades sure show it =P ). Only reason I have decent stats are because of Math and Science, which come naturally to me, and once again never really had a great teacher.</p>

<p>Right now I'm going for an IB Diploma and have</p>

<p>Math Methods HL
Physics HL
English HL
History HL
Spanish SL
Biology SL
Art SL</p>

<p>for my courses with 90+ in all except for English and Spanish (B). By the end of this year, I will have taken every science course available, basically 2 years of Chem, Bio, and Physics with 1 year of anatomy. Also, I will have completed math to the equivalent of Calculus BC.</p>

<p>I've been studying martial arts for several years now and love it. Same with Violin and Visual Arts. Art I feel is really important because it develops creativity and make life fun, so I kinda try to study it as much as I can.</p>

<p>I'm also pretty skilled with computers/technology. I know C++, Java2, and build computers as a side job. Oh and my photoshop skills are (were) decent, 1st in state for photo resotoration (black and white and torn into 30 pieces. Badly scanned with stains, etc.)</p>

<p>My essay I thought was unique. If you want to see it just email me at </p>

<p><a href="mailto:Raaslkdasdln@yahoo.com">Raaslkdasdln@yahoo.com</a><a href="I%20typed%20random%20letters%20and%20kept%20it....%20lol">/email</a></p>

<p>Math Teacher rec I assume is great because I make him laugh a lot and find odd ways to solve problems. One problem he said not impossible to do w/o graphs or calculator and I solved it =). Counsler probably was good because she knows I try hard and I am very friendly with others and motivate others well.</p>

<p>nobody =(.......</p>

<p>Overall it looks pretty darn good.</p>

<p>How were your essays/teacher recomm?</p>

<p>Essay was unique in a good way from what I have heard. It lacked perfect structure and minor grammar errors, but the message was good (English is my weakness).</p>

<p>Teacher Recommendation I assume is good. He knows I enjoy math, try in school, and am a diligent student.</p>

<p>looks good..but what major are you tentatively applying to?</p>

<p>Engineering. I was going to go natural sciences, but decided on engineering for a possible full scholarship and less competition. I might switch to architecture or physics if I get accepted though.</p>

<p>Lol, for my essay my hook was four languages for my opening sentence. Everyone remembered that one part so I was hoping it would stick =). For Princeton I might do something similar just to stand out.</p>

<p>Your stats look similar to mine. I really think the essays are a much bigger part of the process than test scores. Did you submit any supplementary material?</p>


<p>If you mean by drawings, music, videos, etc. No I didn't. For the box thingy, I showed my love of art and drawing by drawing a picture of my hand drawing a hand drawing a hand ad as-much-as-I-could-itum. (ad inifinitum wouldn't work lol)</p>

<p>Lacked time sadly =(</p>

<p>Hmm, off-topic but since when is Math Methods an HL subject?</p>

<p>math studies only goes to SL</p>

<p>math methods is the calc/trig/pre-cal/stats thing that goes to HL. It really annoys me how colleges equate a 5 on an IB test to a 3 on an AP test... the Calc AP test was easy as can be compared to the IB one.</p>

<p>Okay. Well IB Math HL was the only HL Math course in the IB last year. They did change Group 5 (was it?) around a bit though.</p>

<p>the SAT scores are on the low side, no?</p>

<p>I am within 20 to 30 points of the average combined score for those schools so I doubt that would keep me out. </p>

<p>My SAT U.S. History was a 610, but I was ill that day and HAD to leave midway through the exam to the restroom. That was the same day I took the Math II and Chem, but I was able to stay in the room for the entirety. I sent a letter to Princeton and MIT about that and they said they would consider the situation fairly and that I was not able to retake in December because my grandfather's funeral happened that same weekend.</p>

<p>Anyone else have an opinion about me overall?</p>

<p>Oh yea, I forgot to add. I actually have nine courses, 2 AP (govt. and eco) and 7 IB. Also, my Constitution Team just won state with a perfect score sooo I think that will be a good sidenote if the colleges hear about it. (will they if i don't send the info myself?)</p>

<p>yo what state? I'm on the Illinois State champs for constitution team</p>

<p>Texas here =)</p>

<p>Of course the colleges will not hear about your Constitution Team! You MUST let them know. I would send or fax a letter to them quickly.</p>

<p>it's prety good..though your SATs are on the low side..</p>

<p>Yea, I'm retaking that piece of junk =P. I have never had time to prepare, but this time I made time. Last practice test I took came out with a 2150 (760 math 700 reading, 690 writing (guessing 10 essay)).</p>

<p>I just gotta hope =)</p>