<p>Hey guys. Obviously we're REALLY close to decisions time. And if you're on cc, you're obviously freaking out right about now. I can't do anything or concentrate. So i figured i should start a thread about what we do to make time speed up a bit.</p>
<p>Mine are:
1) Check CC for updates (hahaha wowwwww)
2) Sleep (usually from right after school until dinner
3) Watch t.v.
4) Play QWOP
5) Read magazines (i've flipped through TIME and teenvogue at least 5 times each)
6) NOT hw.</p>
<p>hahahaha thats hilarious
i wish i could find something to watch!
i just CANT do my hw its not working concentration wise…i wish i could be productive though…but thats just not gunna happen this week cuz of ED (even tho i didnt ED to penn, i ED’d to columbia…but penn is my 2nd choice so thats why im on these boards…)</p>
<p>i get to freak out about decisiosn all day in school… and then i get to practice for wrestling from 2:15 to 6… which is hell… and hten i get to go home and think about food. <em>Notice homework is not included in the formula… but don’t worry CC gets a good hour of read-through time</em> needless to say these decisiosn need to come out for my own mental health ahha. I honestly am at the point i just wnat it to be over… .admit deny or accept</p>
<p>1) complain all day about Penn, calculate how much time left after every hour
2) go home and sleep till dinner
3) go online and watch news, CC, facebook, youtube, SNL or chinese drama, AIM
4) notice it’s like 10…and needs to start on tons of hw-but check CC after every math problem lol</p>
<p>i choose to spend my time hyperventilating and trying to convince myself that i don’t want to go there anyway (which doesnt work since penn is the only school i want to go to)</p>
<p>i have to stop thinking about what its gonna be like if i get in. i just sit there in class while the teacher lectures and i notice i get this lame smirk on my face just thinking about it</p>
<p>Wow I can’t believe you just reminded me of QWOP…I hate that game with a passion</p>
<p>Update: 3.9 meters after 20 minutes of frustration!!! </p>
<p>My other time-wasters include thinking about Penn, sleeping, eating, and telling everyone who mentions getting into their first-choice college already to shut their mouth</p>
<p>how do you people not do anything?
my issue is i have approximately 80217396321863872367821 things to do, all of which are MUCH more important than stalking college confidential but still end up here…it would be AWESOME to be SEARCHING for things to do. my school has exams this/next week… woo hoo math exam friday…</p>
<p>^Same!! I HAVE to stop thinking about that too…thinking about constantly is kind of exhaustive T_T. </p>
<p>I’m so lame compare to you guys. I just surf the web and have jGrasp open pretending to be programing. hm I also go down stairs to play with my sister then come up, then go down eat something…come up. I always do things to the extreme…right now by not doing anything, I’m literally not doing anything T_T</p>