<p>I'm a junior, trying to narrow down my college list. So far, I've cut it to 37...! Obviously, I'm in need of some major list slashing! I have a few college guides, have gotten some mail, and looked at the websites. Some of the places I feel quite sure about, but other not. That is partly because I haven't found enough info about them (aside from the websites, which tend to be pretty much the same... I want more objective information!), but I'm also afraid it may be that I haven't heard of some of them before so I'm more inclined to be "suspicious" of them for that reason too. Which is stupid, and I don't want to end up cutting a great school that I'd love from my list simply because I don't know much about it! (and the reason these schools are on my list in the first place is that I read something about them that appealed to me... but having so many on my list I can't remember exactly what it was; I need to get rid of some places!)</p>
<p>So, my purpose with this thread is to ask you all what your oppinions about the following colleges are:</p>
<li>Allegheny </li>
<li>University of Denver</li>
<li>Franklin and Marshall</li>
<li>Trinity (in Texas)</li>