<p>since summer break started, i've been on CC practically non-stop, and I think i'm starting to really get a plan for next fall: apply EA for Uchicago and EE (early evaluation) for Wellesley. A fellow CCer suggested that plan to me actually, and it sounds like a great idea. I know these "chance threads" get annoying at times, but just give me a quick look? please? lol...</p>
<p>Korean, Female, public high school in Tennessee, class of 2008</p>
SATs: 2180 (680 reading, 770 math, 730 writing)
PSATs: 217 (65 reading, 80 math, 72 writing)
ACT: 34
GPA: 3.75 (huge upward trend from freshman year)
SAT II: Math II 780</p>
<p>I've had very challenging course loads both sophmore and junior year. This year, I actually took an all AP schedule of Physics B, Latin Lit., Calculus BC, European History, and Language and Comp. Sophmore year, I took AP US History and AP Biology. Next year, I will only have two AP classes (Latin Vergil (so then I will have 4 years of a foreign language) and Literature and Comp.) but the rest of my classes will be at a nearby college, since my high school does not offer multivariable calculus or microbiology. </p>
Junior States of America (chapter founder and president)
National Forensics League (chapter President)
Key Club (chapter president)
Mock Trial (team captain)
Speech and Debate (vice president)
Junior Classical League (Secretary)
National Honor Society member
Clarksville's Youth Leadership member (it's pretty selective and i got in this year..)
Tennessee's Governor's School of Engineering (As a result, I'll have a recommendation from the Dean of Admissions at University of Tennessee)
300+ hours of volunteer work at Good Samaritan’s Clinic of Clarksville
Violin teacher (I get paid, it's not volunteer work) for all levels of Suzuki
Vanderbilt's Curb Symphony Orchestra (violin)
Austin Peay State University's Symphony Orchestra (violin)</p>
<p>I actually don't have a long list of EC's compared to other people's lists on CC. I'm really focused in all my clubs and I probably spend too much time fulfilling my leadership roles as Presidents and VPs. </p>
<p>With that said, I'm a strong writer as long as I have time to rewrite and revise several times. My SAT score is okay as a 2180, but I did retake them this June and I'm hoping for a better OVERALL scorel; I might've dropped a little in math and writing, but i'm confident my reading score went up tremendously. My ACT score is solid and I have no intention of retaking it. So, chances? for EA U of Chicago??</p>