Below, I'll be posting my schedule for sophomore year. Do you think it's too hard? Possible to get A's in? The reason for no electives is because I am currently ranked first, so any electives will bring my GPA down. I just want to get some opinions on this schedule:</p>
<p>AP Chemistry
AP Human Geography
Pre-AP Pre-Calculus
Pre-AP Physics
Pre-AP English 2
Pre-AP World History
AP Art History (Considering replacing with speech or PE)
Pre-AP Spanish 2</p>
<p>Thanks so much!</p>
<p>I think it’s definitely doable with hard work, but don’t listen to me. I’m also a sophomore.
But I’m not taking any electives either this year (or last year as a freshman) b/c taking one will bring down my GPA and therefore my class rank.</p>
<p>Also there is already a schedule rating thread (<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/high-school-life/1076336-rate-schedule-above-you.html?highlight=rate+the+schedule+above+you[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/high-school-life/1076336-rate-schedule-above-you.html?highlight=rate+the+schedule+above+you</a>). You’ll probably get more helpful advice there.</p>
<p>Hey I think that AP chem might give you a hard time (I will probably take it junior year-I will be a sophomore next year) but AP Human Geography is really easy (I took it freshman year, got A’s both semesters, and a 5 on the AP test, and I barely did anything the whole year). </p>
<p>Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using CC</p>
<p>Since speech is a requirement (at least it is at my school), I would go ahead and take that instead of AP Art History :)</p>
<p>Everything else looks doable, although AP Chem is usually taken junior year. If you’ve taken Honors Chem, however, you’ll be fine!</p>
<p>AP Chem will be hard, everything else is relatively easy. At our school 6 students with 4.0s got Bs in AP Chem, but maybe that was just our teacher.</p>
<p>AP chem is not that hard if you like science. Don’t let them scare you i got a 5 and A+ all year with almost no home work.
I have been in the same boat as you for 4 years.this is my first year taking a elective because i have taken all the AP classes at my school.</p>
<p>Sent from my iPhone using CC</p>
<p>Electives are the worst
for me because we mostly have performing arts stuff. For example, I had music and I hated that and transferred to theater . I have to admit I did enjoy theater.</p>
<p>Thanks guys! I’ve already taken Pre-AP Chem, and did pretty well. What I’m worried about is Pre-Calc and Physics. Are they hard?</p>
<p>Pre-Calc is easy. I’m terrible at math too. Physics is easy as well.</p>
<p>Lol I posted in the wrong thread :/:/:/.</p>
<p>DONT TAKE AP CHEM BEFORE NORMAL CHEM. Idk if you’ve taken chem yet (its a sophomore class at my school) but its the hardest class most kids take their sophomore year. I’ve seen honor classes where its not rare to see 10-11 f’s leave the room.</p>
<p>Haha, it’s ok, Josiah! Teaspoons, yes I’ve already taken pre-ap chem and managed an A in it last year. I’m just a bit worried about physics…</p>
<p>You’ll be fine in physics if you’re in pre-calc, most people who have problems with it have a bit of trouble with the math. So it’s good you’re past algebra 2. AP chem will be your hardest class, but since you have a year of chem under your belt that will be manageable. Plus physics and chem link up occasionally (:</p>
<p>I liked the concepts in Physics, and I did well all year and on the regents. I just had a bad teacher though, so I pretty much had to learn the material on my own. And I took it while taking Alg 2/Trig. Since you’ll be taking it in conjunction to pre-calc, you’ll probably be fine with the math.</p>
<p>I would say that’s definitely doable. The only thing I would be cautious of is AP Chemistry but you said you already took Pre-AP Chemistry and you did fine so yeah, you’ll be okay. Just don’t slack off!</p>
<p>If you didn’t take PAP Chem, don’t take AP Chem. Consider switching AP Art History with pe and speech.</p>