<p>Hi guys :) I know I've already posted this before, so I apologize, but I've updated a few things and revised my college list</p>
<p>-College list-</p>
<p>I am going to visit a ton of schools over the summer, so hopefully I'll have a better sense of direction. Feel free to suggest additions or removals.</p>
<p>UIUC: (safety?)
Williams or Amherst: (deciding between the two)
Stanford: (not sure if its worth it)</p>
<p>I'll be applying to my top choice ED/EA</p>
<p>-About Me-
well-regarded public school, 700 students
Rank: Around 35/700, but I will not be reporting rank (? still deciding wether I will or not)</p>
<p>GPA: 4.93/5 (uw) : 5.7/6 (w)
{All honors/AP classes except for Latin (parents wouldn't let me take honors, they thought I'd be overwhelmed :/), but I got very good grades there and a bunch of Latin awards, so hopefully that will help to make up for that (also I've been studying a language on my own and I am taking a college level course in it this summer)}
I've had 3 B+'s, all in math (I am not good at math), but I think my grades have improved and I got an A this year.</p>
<p>PSAT: 220, commended and hopefully (if the cutoff stays the same) national merit</p>
<p>ACT: 34 (no prep on that, so I may study and retake. Then again I'm kinda sick of tests)
SAT: 2320 (770/770/780)
SAT II: working on it</p>
<p>AP: Euro (5)
Took: Lang/Comp and USH (I think I did well)
Five APs next year (micro, gov, lit, bio, cac)</p>
<p>Essay: Its about art, and how using watercolors forced me out of a comfort zone, etc. Still working on it...</p>
<p>Recommendations: Both of the teachers I'm asking have had me for two years, so hopefully they know me enough to write good ones (physics and apus teacher)</p>
<p>Intended major: Absolutely NO idea! (except definitely not math xD)</p>
<p>Extracurriculars: not that great, unfortunately :/
Lacrosse freshmen year (hated it, didn't continue next year)
Paddle tennis (no leagues around here or anything, but I've been playing for a long time)
Tennis (played for years and years but stopped after I didn't make the team- the team here is amazing though so I dont feel too bad).
Not really much here :/</p>
Key club
political club
Latin club + latin honors society
yearbook (photography)
national honors society</p>
<p>-Art: I've been teaching myself computer generated art (tablets and photoshop) for years. Last year, I also started taking an art class where I've learned watercolors. I do a lot of commissioned work for various websites/companies as an illustrator/graphics designer, and all the money I raise goes to the animal shelter I work at. I've also done some auctions
I don't have any awards though, because I don't really believe in art contests :/ Hopefully it won't hurt that much...
I might submit an art supplement, but the kind of art (commissioned work takes up the bulk of my time) I have to draw for my work isn't very artsy, more commercial-ish- technically well-drawn but without that artsy edge I'm sure they're looking for. I have some things I've done on my own but probably not enough.</p>
<p>-Violin: playing for 9 years, school orchestra for all four years, part of the advanced orchestra
trying out for two other selective orchestras next years</p>
<p>-Horseback riding: this one's not that major, not sure if I should even include it</p>
<p>-Dog sports: I compete in agility and conformation (dog shows) as a junior handler.
Unfortunately I have to quit and can no longer continue :( Not sure if I should include this</p>
<p>-Humane Society: I volunteer at a shelter and I am a counselor for the kid's education camp during the school year and the day camp during the summer. I also am a photographer that helps update the website and at events. I've done some fundraisers on my own to help raise money here.</p>
<p>-Job: I don't really have a job, besides digital illustration, which doesn't really count as a job. I have done some photography things (took photos for a filmmaker)</p>
<p>Awards: nothing amazing or special here...
NHS/LHS (not sure if these count)
NMS commended, possible semi finalist
national latin exam awards (silver and golds)
latin class awards.foreign language student of the month (not sure if I should include)</p>
<p>Thanks for reading this :) Constructive feedback is really appreciated!</p>