<p>Well I don’t really waste my own money when buying things. I charge clothes and coffee most of the time, and my mom buys me electronics.</p>
<p>As for my own money I gamble it away, texas hold 'em and all that jazzzz. I eat too much fastfood as well.</p>
<p>clothes and food ja</p>
<p>Usually food and a YMCA membership, and eventually gas.</p>
<p>I buy a lot of bubble tea. :(</p>
<p>clothes and starbucks =]</p>
<p>I waste my dad’s money. But my money on soda.</p>
<p>OMG BUBBLE TEA. . . yeah, they pretty much steal my cash a lot a lot a lot. </p>
<p>and who wastes money on steam…? lol?</p>
<p>steam as in counterstrike/half life steam? or steam as in, humidifiers?</p>
<p>I have no idea. . . ThisCouldBeHeavn said that “steam ftw amirite” and I was a bit confused.</p>
<p>I despise spending money.</p>
<p>i spend my money on food and all the little ****s.</p>
<p>Accessories. Like bags and scarves. Not shoes though really. Half the time I don’t know where my money goes. Like I somehow spent $1400, and I have no idea what I bought.</p>
<p>clothes and books and random things</p>
<p>As of three minutes ago, Lush products.</p>
July 19, 2009, 9:54pm
<p>I used to spend a fortune on Pokemon cards back in the days when I was still obsessed.</p>
<p>hookers and crackers :)</p>
<p>^Wooo, finally somebody relates to me! ;)</p>
<p>Books I probably could do without that I incessantly buy, which go unread anyways since I have my school reading list (blegh :p). Coffee and cappuccinos from my favorite cafes. Yup. Food in general, really.</p>
<p>Starbucks, Pinkberry, 711, Gas (I joyride a lot…), and Books
Having a debit card has only fueled this</p>