<p>Whenever I ask the question "what does cornell look for in a student" everyone says "well, well-rounded students and theres not a formula or an "ideal" application." Basically, that doesn't help to much. Do they want people who have over 400 service hours, people who are ranked number 1 at their school, or people who have had internships over the summer? There has got to be some "minimum" requirments to have a chance into getting into the school...does anyone have any suggestions? </p>
<p>I also realize that the different colleges at Cornell have different requirments, but I didn't know if their was some requirment for most of them, or something impressive that looks really good. </p>
<p>Just say anything you can think of! Tips, advice, questions, comments, concerns, etc!</p>
<p>Which college are you interested in?</p>
<p>appropriateness of your choice in major, leadership, and passion.</p>
<p>I’m interested in The College of Human Ecology and studying apparel/fiber design</p>
<p>appropriateness of major! What have you done to make that major a good “fit” for you?
It’s especially true of the contract colleges.</p>
<p>I’m not sure how to prove my major is a good fit through my EC’s. </p>
<p>I’m also applying for HumEc, for the Policy Analysis & Management major…what activities would prove my interest in that?</p>
<p>Here’s my information:
I’m interested in Fashion/Apparal/Textile Design and World Issues, so please let me know if you think I can get into the College of Human Ecology!!!
I’m a junior and my current unweighted gpa = 3.65 weighted=4.1
PSAT= 2010
My current class rank is 29/170</p>
<p>I’m in The Academy of International Studies at my school and I’m taking a lot of Honors Global Seminars (like Global cultures, minority studies, global issues, foreign film) along with AP French Language and AP Psychology (and next year I’m planning to take AP Comparitive Government, AP French Lit, and AP Art History) and then the basic core classes </p>
<p><strong>EC’s</strong> + I have the most service learning hours in my grade
co-president of the Amnesty International Club
co-president of the Movie Club
last year was in the Third World Relief Club
In 10th grade I was the JV Volleybal Captain
I have over 350 service learning hours by:
volunteering at local elementary school every summer
voluneering at local library
being a CIT for 3 weeks at a YMCA Camo
being a volunteer counselor at an Art Camp
volunteering at local walks
I’ve been a childrens soccer coach for 2 years
I’m a tutor for students at my school
I stay afterschool to fundraise for the Amnesty Club-which gets me more service hours
I was the 10th grade representative last year
I’m the 11th grade representative this year
I’m on the Academy of International Studies Planning Committee
I’m on the Academy of International Studies Board (where only 4 students got to be on it and theres like 20 adults)
((as you can see I do a lot with children which I hope will look good on my app since all of my hours are geared toward one subject—helping people)))</p>
<p>i’ve been to summer camps like NC State Design camp (2 summers), Savannah College of Art and Design Summer Camp (1 summer), and Minnesota College of Art and Design Summer Camp (1 summer)</p>
<p>I’m currently working at Barnes and Noble Bookstore </p>
<p>Let me know what you think!!</p>