what does Denied/Program Competitiveness mean in purdue admission ?

hi i am a senior. i applied to purdue, and i just got an email says that my decision has been updated. i checked it says denied/program competitiveness. what does that mean? i know it means there is too many people in that particular program, but does that say i got denied, i got in to waitlist, or just i have to change my major?

Application Data
Admission Term: Fall 2016
Admission Type: New First Time
Application Status: Decision Made
Decision: Denied/Program Competitiveness
Decision Letter: Not available at this time
Current Program
Degree Seeking
Level: Undergraduate
Program: Engineering First Year
Catalog Term: Fall 2016
College: First Year Engineering
Campus: West Lafayette
Major: First Year Engineering
Date Created: Oct 28, 2015
if you have the answer,please leave a comment. i would be greatly appreciated. thank you:)

Just wait for the admission letter to come up

so by what u said, i either got rejected or need to change my major :frowning:

You are posting in the prep school forum. You will not find the answer you need here… Post this over on the college admissions forum. Good luck!

"Denied/Program Competitiveness: Applicant has been denied because demand for the major far exceeds its capacity. "

@cameo43 This isn’t the prep school forum lol

@akshat97 Here

You can ask for reconsideration. Here is the link, check the reconsideration box and follow the directions. I would call and ask where your application was weak to see if you can change anything before reconsideration because they will ask you that question in the essay areas. They want to see considerable changes:
