<p>I don't have any commitments after school and so I usually just go straight home. On occasion, I will go volunteer at the library or hang with some friends if they aren't busy. I get ****ed sometimes though, I think I have too much time on my hands on weekday afternoons.</p>
<p>I sometimes teach a fencing class, after that I go to my fencing club. I also do homework right after school, or play violin.</p>
<p>depending on the time of year either soccer, track, or nothing</p>
<p>Wait, what?</p>
<p>Two days a week, I do quiz team after school. But we’re finished with our conference games and we just have tournies, so we’ll be practicing less. The other three days of the week, I do ballet after I come home. Right now, my schedule’s a bit messed up because I go skiing right after school on Thursdays, but I’ll be done with that soon.</p>
<p>Tuesdays I have to go the community college for my DE C++ class. </p>
<p>6:00 - 9:20 PM…what a [female dog].</p>
<p>Either Mock Trial or Volunteeering.</p>
<p>Play sports year round so most days I don’t come home until 5:30-8</p>
<p>I usually go home immediately after school, but I have a community college class starting this week. It’s two days a week, 6:00-7:30.</p>
<p>Depends on the day/semester. I could: be at work, be at Mock Trial practice, go to my CC class, hang out with friends, go straight home and do homework, teach my class (music theory), go to dragon team practice, go to an Interact cabinet meeting, or work on SOAP (students organized against prejudice) stuff. </p>
<p>Yeah, I juggle WAY too much.</p>
<p>Sleep, eat, exercise, sports (for the fun/lulz), hang out, party, game, pokemon, etc.</p>
<p>ThisCouldBeHeavn’s post: My thoughts exactly.</p>
<p>Anyways, I usually go home, although I do volunteer at my church once a week. Then I either start on homework or play video games.</p>
<p>Tuesday and Thursday I stay an hour late for Aca Deca practice. Every other day I stay late and practice for band.</p>
<p>I used to be stuck in the theater for 2-3 hours after school nearly everyday but now that they got rid of drama completely, I go home watch TV and sometimes sleep. Hopefully within the next two weeks I’ll be getting a volunteer job at a zoo so I’ll go there most days after school.</p>
<p>I take a nap everyday after school if I don’t have Spanish club then do homework/procrastinate doing it by going online.</p>
<p>i either go home to wait for my sister and drink tea (usually in winter)</p>
<p>or hang in a park near my house with my bf and best friend</p>
<p>1:30-4:30= Varsity Swim Practice
4:30-5:00= Time enough to change clothes, take a quick break, and head off on a bike ride (before it gets dark…the time change is REALLY annoying)
5:00-6:30= Bike ride (Half of it is usually in the dark. lol.)
6:30-7:15= Shower & dinner
7:15-9:45= Homework and Studying (Taking a break right now though! hehe)
9:45-10:30= Sit in front of the comp. or TV, before going to sleep</p>
<p>there is no "after"school…school lasts 24/7 =]</p>
<p>strong nerds in this thread lol</p>