<p>I'm applying to a variety of schools for the tenth grade. My scores rose dramatically from last year. I have a 82% as of now. Last year I recieved a 14%! A school I am applying to contacted to me asking if I could take the test again in Feburary. They didn't give any explanations. What does this mean? Do I have a better chance if I retake it or what? The person who contacted me was the director of admission's herself. What should I do?</p>
<p>It means that they are questioning the huge improvement and want another data point. Take it again. Congrats on the great improvement. You must have colored in the wrong circles the first time!</p>
<p>What school was it for? (just wondering)</p>
<p>Agree with MomofWildChild. They want to know which one is the current "you." Also, if your regular standardized test scores bolster the case that you were actually the person who took the SSAT this year, make doubly sure that your school sends those in along with your transcript.</p>
<p>Oh, and don't feel compelled to reveal any more detail or specificity about your scores or the school here on this public message board.</p>
<p>A second school contacted me about retakng the SSATS. This time it was a personalized letter from the Director of Admissions at this school. She went over how much she likes my essays and etc.: but wants me to take the SSAT's again. Note: I receieved a 14% last year and this year recieved a 82%. Do I really need to take it again? I'm fearful of getting worse. Ugh and I have so much homework! What should I do? What would you do?</p>
<p>I'd retake to make sure it's not a fluke. Prove to them that you can score 82%+ twice! You shouldn't risk getting rejected for not retaking the SSAT. How do they know you got a 14% last year?</p>
<p>Sorry, but I think you have to take it again. It is very unusual for there to be that large a swing in scores. Perhaps you didn't color in the right circles on the first test as was suggested above. </p>
<p>If I were in your position, I would take it again. If your second score is in the same range as the 82% score, I would send the results to all your schools in case it is questioned again. I would even send it if it is a slightly lower score like a 75%. It might be an issue for some of your other schools, but they haven't started reading your file.</p>
<p>They know I got a 14% last year because it shows when they look it up. Well that's what the lady told me when I took the test. So I'm going to retake it. Hopefully I'll get in! I just thought I'd share because last year every school I applied to flat out said "NO!".</p>
<p>What schools did you apply to last year and what schools are you applying to now?</p>
<p>They must like you a lot if they took the trouble to do this.</p>
<p>I applied to last year:
<p>Etc. kinde schools everyone wants to go to. </p>
<p>This year:
Kent School
Taft *
Miss Porter's</p>
<p>*School's want me to take the test again.</p>
<p>I just got an email from someone at Taft who was asking me to take it again. I guess I'll just have to. But I'll do it and get in! I promise! :)</p>
<p>Good luck! I'm sure you will do really well. Maybe you will score in the 90%!!!</p>
<p>Have you interviewed at the schools? Did you have phone interviews or did you visit them? </p>
<p>Are any of the schools you're applying to this year the same as last years? I read you had applied to 10 schools. Did they tell you it was because of your 14% SSAT score or are you just assuming? I'm taking my SSAT's this Sat. and Im REALLY nervous! I think I'm gonna get a 14% too!</p>
<p>You should apply to A/E again! It will show interest and with your new SSAT score you have a good chance. Sign up soon for the SSAT. You will probably have to be on standby.</p>