<p>Did anyone else LOVE this essay like A LOT!!! it was pretty much the greatest essay ever and I don’t think many people did it. What a shame. imo, it was the most interesting out of the choices and probably put there by admissions because they need to read so many essays, might as well read ones where no 2 will be alike haha :). what do u guys think??</p>
<p>i think that read the same prompt essays is BORING so is better to have a more creative essay that can be helpful to understand the applicant much better. so,</p>
<p>What don’t you know?</p>
<p>I don’t know a lot of things. the future, myself, what people think, why we are living, how we came to be, etc. this essay has so many differnet answers. it’s so awesome! I also cn’t cut peoples’ heads off like Sylar T-T lololol</p>
<p>I thought this was an amazing prompt too. Very interesting. However, after trying to come up with a great approach for a couple of months, I decided to go with another topic because to me, it’s not so much what you say, but how you say it.
That being said, I’d be very interested to see how people tackled the “what don’t you know” prompt. If anyone’s done one and feels comfortable, send it my way!</p>
<p>yep that was an awesome prompt!</p>
<p>Pretty much everything!</p>
<p>I know that I don’t know anything</p>
<p>I was trying to do this… but I’m sure the admissions office would be pretty made when they got hundreds of pages listing things i didn’t know ;)</p>
<p>honestly, the prompt itself is amazing. i just cant think of a creative way to respond :(</p>
<p>I loved this prompt!</p>
<p>I hope my unique approach goes over well with brown :)</p>
<p>i loved it too!
it was by far my favorite essay of all the ones ive written. i feel like you can so much in just that one topic…</p>
<p>you can say so much*</p>
<p>I wrote my common app essay over the summer (because I knew those prompts wouldn’t change), and it was about something I did not know (specifically, something to do with China and politics)
Then in September when I looked at the supplement…</p>
<p>So I ended up picking the advice prompt, but I really liked this prompt, only I’d already written an essay on it!</p>
<p>I’m an RDer, so I’m still working on my supplement, but I LOVE this topic! After thinking about lots of different ideas and approaches, I’ve finally decided on one I love. It’s in a non-traditional format, and I think it showcases my personality and my roundabout way of answering questions :)</p>
<p>I loved this prompt! It led to my best essay… but let’s hope Brown admissions think so, too.</p>
<p>this prompt is so TOKish</p>
<p>Most people I know chose this prompt actually. I did, too, but I felt like it was fairly hard to write well on this topic.</p>
<p>what did you say you dont know? aka how did you respond to the question</p>
<p>what dont i know?..simple: how to get into brown</p>
<p>but this topic is pretty gud</p>
<p>I liked this topic cause it really made me think and seemed Zen to me. Hope I came up with some good stuff to say.</p>
<p>Just need to work on refining it now. It made the short responses seem much easier.</p>
<p>AHHHHHHHH fianchetto!!! Another IB kid?? totally used one of my TOK essays for this prompt
i read your post and just about died laughing that another person had the same reaction as me :)</p>