What ECs to include?

<p>I'm having a bit of trouble choosing activities to list, especially with the very limited space on the Common App.</p>

<p>Varsity Soccer (9-12), Letter
Varsity Tennis (11-12)
Junior Varsity Basketball (9-10)</p>

<p>Environmental Club (10-12), President
Math League (9-12)
International Club (9-12)
Big Brother, Big Sister (9-12)
Latin Club (11-12)
Chemistry Laboratory Assistant (11)
Science Fair (9,11,12), 2nd Place School Fair, 2nd Place County Fair
ACS Chemistry Olympiad (11,12), Outstanding Performance</p>

<p>Founding Member of Leo Club (12) President
Fouding Member, Poetry Out Loud (12)</p>

<p>Pennsylvania Governor's School for Health Care
Local Hospital's Health Care Career Camp (invite-only, 10 kids from the county)
Hospital Volunteer (~120 hours)</p>

<p>Club Soccer on two teams (9-12), State Finalists</p>

<p>As you can see, I've got a lot of very diverse activities and interests, and I'm not sure how to go about narrowing this down. I realize that colleges are looking for a passion in a "focused" area; I suppose mine would health care / the sciences.</p>

<p>amen to big brothers brah</p>

<p>did u go to pennsylvania governor's school this past summer?...bc i went tooo</p>

<p>I would put all the main clubs and sports under ECs and stick the awards (Chem Olympiad, science fair, etc.) under "additional information". I also put all my community service and summer activities under that section.</p>

<p>But if the health/science stuff is the most important and most time-consuming stuff for you, then make that the focus of your EC section. You can also send in a separate list of activities or something.</p>