<p>I’m just curious, if someone could answer I would be most grateful!</p>
<p>[Prospective</a> Students General Studies | Boston University](<a href=“http://www.bu.edu/cgs/about/prospective-students/]Prospective”>Prospective Students | General Studies)</p>
<p>Also search this forum, lots of discussions regarding CGS.</p>
<p>I wrote a long post entitled CGS visit…it’s in this forum if you search. I think it gives a good flavor for the program. One thing not mentioned here is the impact of ap coursework… Because my daughter got a 5 in English, she actually has two electives this semester. she reports absolutely no problem with people looking down on CGS students. She does enjoy the camaraderie of the program and made some great friends right away on her team. Between FYSOP and CGS, she has had no trouble adjusting and making friends. AWESOME school overall!</p>
<p>I believe the CGS is where you take all general education classes for two years and then you can transfer into ANY colleges within BU your junior year; it’s not a bad route to go if you truly want to go to BU.</p>
<p>its for kids who cant get into BU real schools, like arts and sciences, management, etc</p>
<p>@collegebound, it is a “real school.” A little condescending, don’t you think?? </p>
<p>In terms of DJpsu2015’s comment, you do take CGS coursework to satisfy general ed requirements while also taking electives each semster in the schools of your choice. Our DD is taking two electives in her area of interest this semester, as she passed the English AP test, resulting in an extra elective opening. She is hoping to go to England this summer with CGS, which would give her extra elective space next spring and fall as well. </p>
<p>I must say that our daughter was disappointed at first to be admitted to CGS rather than CAS as an undecided major. However, the team approach used for coursework and advising, the excellence of the professors, and the gateway to choose any school she wants as a junior completely convinced her. She would tell you that getting into CGS instead of CAS was a Godsend.</p>