So my financial aid package includes work study. I get the concept, but not the details.
Do you ONLY work enough to cover the award amount, or do you work however much and get the award amount simply deducted off of your paycheck? My work study is $2500. That would mean I’d only work 7.5 hours weekly to really pay the base award amount…
When your funds get distributed, is work study the part that gets covered last? As in, for the misc expenses, will I get that from paycheck? I was planning to use some of the money for supplies/computer at the beginning of the semester.
When I had a workstudy job back decades ago, it capped how much my job would pay me and we figured out my hours based on the award. The hourly rate of workstudy can vary.
Some folks are able to get some additional funding to get paid after the work study funding is exhausted or they go and work at a different job that is not a work study one after exhausting work study funding.
The WS amount is the most you can earn. My son has a WS job and it’s about 4 hours/week. He gets paid every week he works just like any other job. What he does with the money is up to him. You aren’t guaranteed a job, though, or a specific number of hours. You won’t get any money until you find a job and start working. If you need things at the beginning of the semester, you’re probably better off getting a summer job.