What Full-Rides Can I get?

<p>What schools are likely to give me a full ride if any? </p>

<p>[ b]Objective:[ /b][ list]
[ *] SAT I (breakdown): 2190; 690 R 720 M (1410 CR+M) 780 W
[ *] SAT II (if submitted): 710 Bio-M, October SAT – MIIC, Bio-E
[ *] Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 3.88, 4.4 W
[ *] Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): School doesn’t rank
[ *] AP (place score in parenthesis): AP Biology (4)
[ *] IB (place score in parenthesis): N/A
[ *] Senior Year Course Load: AP Calculus AB, AP Lang, AP Italian, AP Macro/Micro Econ, Honors Physics
[ *] Awards: International DECA Finalist (12th in the world), 2013 Johnson & Wales State Scholarship, NJ DECA State Finalist (2nd Place), National Honor Society, Italian National Honor Society, "The Parent Paper" Art Competition winner, The Mary Ann Kinoian Scholarship winner, The Louis Armstrong Jazz Award, President's Education Awards Program, NAGC - Nicholas Green Distinguished Student Award Winner
[ /list][ b]Subjective:[ /b][ list]
[ *] Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis):
[ *] Founder - Luxser Technologies - a website and app development company. Currently developing a social networking application evaluated at $138,000.00
[ *] Cofounder - The Intelligent Teenager - Company helps grow teenagers’ ideas, businesses, and charities. Currently in contact with Google, State Farm, Macy's, and certain celebrities (e.g. Ludacris) for potential sponsorship. We hold expos where students from around the world enter into competitions for the best business or charity ideas. We then take the top ideas to angel investors and venture capitalists for investments, making deals with them for each student. The expos have numerous celebrity guests, and we organize a 1000+ person yacht party after each one.
[ *] Vice President - Brenerman Investment Group- Cofounded and served as vice president of a hedge fund / investment firm gauged specifically for teenager investors. Grossed $65,000.00
[ *] Marketing Affiliate at Google
[ *] Biomechanical research - served as a researcher for a bio-mechanics and kinematics study using motion capture systems and software to identify key locomotion traits. Research getting published in a peer journal.
[ *] Volunteering – Project Manager - led fundraisers through a local church-raised $20,000 for the needy; organized Barclay's Golf Tournament fundraiser and ran state-wide rummage sales.
[ *] Founder & President - STEM Club - had a Wharton MBA, VP Medco, VP eCommerce and a BME come give lectures to the club.
[ *] Some more less important things: DECA Board of Directors and Member, Varsity Basketball, Easy-Tech associate at Staples, Worked as a Basketball Coach, Worked as Tutor/Grader – Kumon, Interact Club, JV/Varsity Tennis, Lead Guitarist of a Band – recorded and perform at some gigs, Treasurer - Italian National Honor Society
College Courses:
[ *] Stanford University Online Course –Game Theory I
[ *] NJIT Web Development on campus</p>

<p>[ *] Essays: Really good, wrote about family issues and how I supported my family by starting a business and getting jobs.
[ *] Teacher Recommendation: One should be phenomenal, other will be good.
[ *] Counselor Rec: Pretty good, knows me personally.
[ *] Intended Major: Bioengineering/ Business Admin.
[ *] State (if domestic applicant): NJ
[ *] Country (if international applicant): US
[ *] School Type: Public
[ *] Ethnicity: White
[ *] Gender: Male
[ *] Hooks (URM, first generation college, research, etc.): Self-supporting?</p>

<p>I would guess TCNJ possibly</p>

<p>Doesnt have to be close by also, but anywhere else?</p>

<p>bump bump please. I need suggestions. time is running out.</p>

<p>Have you looked at the merit scholarship sticky here?</p>

<p>Look on the financial aid board and see the list of colleges with guaranteed scholarships based on numbers. Otherwise, it’s a crapshoot, a lottery. The top students tend to get the best scholarships at colleges, so pick schools where you are one of the top applicants. Ask your GC where kids from your school tend to get full ride type scholarships. And then give it a whirl.</p>

<p>Maybe a shot at one of the Presidential Scholarships offered at Villanova & BC? All about your grades for both. Or Richmond’s has a few that no extra application is needed if submitted by - maybe Dec1. I know a boy who got it a few years ago, kids with special circumstances are considered. Check out there website.</p>

<p>You seem very business oriented…have you checked out Babson or Bentley? I am not sure how much you might get, but you might be a very attractive candidate at those schools.</p>

<p>hmmm thats a good idea</p>

<p>I wish I could help since you helped me but I’m really unsure. :confused: I would ask your GC!</p>

<p>[National</a> Universities That Offer Full Ride Scholarships](<a href=“Loading...”>http://www.thecollegiateblog.org/2012/12/09/national-universities-that-offer-full-ride-scholarship/)</p>

<p>Some schools guarantee large merit scholarships for specific stats. The merit scholarship sticky might have a list.</p>

<p>Please post on the FA & Scholarships forum.</p>