what grade would you give columbia?

<p>i'm looking at good universities to prepare you for med-school. how would you rank columbia?
thankx in advance!</p>

<p>Hi there!</p>

<pre><code> Well, first, I just want to say that by Columbia does offer Pre-Med and Pre-Law, however, from a campus tour over the summer, I was informed it was not a suporter of “pre-professions”. Nevertheless, the oppurtunities are limitless. From programs I’ve taken in Columbia, including one called MyNYC Mentoring sponsored for my school, the students are diverse in their education.

My mentor is a Pre-med student and he mentioned that Pre-med in Columbia is actually going great for him. Also the MCAT scores, which is a big factor considered by many Medical Schools, are generally above average.

Overall, I’m definitely looking into Columbia for Med and I hope you do to. Good luck!