What happen if I say "NO" to be a candidate for need-based financial aid?

<p>So I was completing the common app, and they ask me</p>

<p>"Will you be a candidate for need-based financial aid?"
and I said "no" </p>

<p>what happens if I say "yes" or "no"?</p>

<p>I would tell the truth. If you don't need it, mark no, if you do mark yes.</p>

<p>I think if you say Yes, you will have more forms to fill out.</p>

<p>If the school is NOT need blind, and the vast majority are not, people who can pay and those who can not go into 2 different piles. Those needing aid face increased competition for a space.</p>

<p>That is true, you can't have it both ways. You can't mark them as no when you want it to count in your favor and they switch to need aid to actually go there. You either need or don't, you should do your FAFSA calculator to find out early.</p>

<p>also check the policy at the schools you are considering. At some colleges if you do not apply for aid as a freshman, you can not apply in subsequent years.</p>

<p>If you need aid, then apply it and check the box.</p>