<blockquote> <p>pc values such as equal rights for homsexuals, equal rights for blacks, these values are despised by the typical middle class suburban family. what "pc" values do you think the middle class suburban family hates.</p> </blockquote>
<p>No. I think it is necessary to be more nuanced than that.</p>
<p>Let me give you two examples. In my opinion, the vast majority of centrist US voters strongly believes in equal rights regardless of race or ethnicity. To take that a bit further, I believe that a majority would also favor giving minorities a boost in things like college admissions. However, if you placed today's Affirmative Action admissions system on the ballot as a referendum, it would lose overwhelmingly.</p>
<p>Same thing with "Gay Marriage". By and large, I believe that the majority of centrist Americans would just as soon not know what people do in the privacy of their own bedrooms. Taking it further, I think the majority would probably favor extending some of the benefits of civil unions to committed gay couples. However, once you take it to the level of "Gay Marriage", you are proposing a earthshattering change in the fundamental definition of the word marriage -- a definition that is woven into the fabric of the Judeo-Christian heritage. That's why the issue went down to flaming defeat in 11 of 11 ballot referendums. It's not that voters think gays should not be allowed to visit ill partners or have interitance/insurance rights.</p>
<p>Personally, I could care less about "gay marriage" one way or the other. My attitude is literally, I don't care. Doesn't bother me what people do. But, I understand why it is a hot button issue. Look at it this way...do you think voters would support an initiative for polygamy? Say, making it legal for a man to have up to six wives?</p>