I’ve been gone a few years. What on earth happened to this website? This is ghastly.
You will get used to it.
I’m having trouble even navigating. . Do you know that dog from the movie Up when he saw a squirrel? That is me on this website. I start reading and then things start moving in the Periphery. It’s like a GD carnival.
Personally I hate the revamp too. I think several forums have far less participation because they’re hard to find.
If there is something in particular you want to find…post that here and I’ll see if I can link it for you.
Yes, @thumper1 I want to ask for some college suggestion for my son. Where should I do that on here?
Go here and start a new thread by clicking the blue button on the mid-upper right that says “New Thread”. College Search & Selection - College Confidential Forums