What helps you through those all-nighters

<p>My adderall script and coffee. </p>


<p>Grammernazi, where did you get this certification?</p>

<p>The International School of Cool Points and Other Various Superficial Economic Forms of Wealth (in Davos, Switzerland). </p>

<p>Our mascot is Rod Blagojevich, our average SAT score is 2456 and we receive funding from The North Korean Friendship Association.</p>

<p>More like PointsNazi, then.</p>

<p>Oh, I forgot to mention that I’m an insomniac (though not at the time of the all-nighter I mentioned), so if I don’t take my medicine I don’t sleep, which works out well.</p>

<p>Compared to other people in high school, I feel that I get a ridiculous amount of sleep. The worst was when I stayed up to 1 to study for bio, but that isn’t even close to an all nighter.</p>

<p>“The latest I’ve ever stayed up is 3 A.M. I managed to stay awake through drinking three liters of strong tea. That and the sheer terror of getting a bad grade kept me awake. I did get a hundred on it though.”</p>

<p>sheer terror=yes.</p>

<p>I did an all nighter last night, and I stayed awake by taking a half hour nap at 1 AM, and that got me through. Also, jumping up and down outside in the cold works.
I don’t understand how a lot of you guys ever say up past 1. I am up until 2:30 fairly regularly on weeknights.</p>

<p>3 words. Hit that adderal…LOL</p>

<p>wellll I’m practically an owl already but coffee!</p>

<p>look like ill be up till 3…eating protein bars (idk why but sugar + protein = fast acting energy)</p>