What I Learned During Move Out

<p>1) That walking campus with Class2012Mom is like walking with a Rock Star. “Hey, Class2012 is that you?” or “Yoo-Hoo, Class2012…!”</p>

<p>2) That Class2012 blushes at her FB and alumni fame.</p>

<p>3) That CC parents are just as nice in person as they are on the forum - nicer even!</p>

<p>4) That lattelady is a lemon drop convert.</p>

<p>I learned that two years go by in the blink of an eye. Students whose parents were active on here when mine was making his college choice were now graduating. Crazy! </p>

<p>Yes, NRDMom, I heard you corrupted Lattelady and she’s now addicted to lemon drops. Fun times!</p>

<p>I’ve stepped over to the wild side. </p>

<p>You are all so cute! I learned that we could clean, pack, and move out in 3 hours!!!</p>

<p>It was either, move out in 3 hours or wait until the next evening for a time to checkout. Yikes!!! :)</p>

<p>I learned that the cleaning, packing, and moving time can be stretched to fill whatever time you have available…in my case, several days…in other words, don’t arrive early to do ANY of this!</p>

<p>Aeromom: That is so true! I was dodging bad weather from central FL to T-town and back again. :)</p>

<p>I didn’t even stop to get any delicious bubble tea from Mr. Chen’s! I realized that I had to get through Birmingham before rush hour. That traffic is nuts!</p>

<p>I learned that given 3 suitcases and a plane ticket, a freshman boy can pack, clean, and move out by himself!
Who would have guessed!?!</p>

<p>I learned that if you don’t go down to clean, pack and bring the kid home, she will linger in Tuscaloosa, staying with friends and visiting all the way home. Last exam was a week ago and D has still not made her way back! Rumor has it she’s halfway home - maybe she’ll make it by tonight. I shouldn’t be surprised - same thing happened last year.</p>

<p>I just learned that I should have sent him kid home in my car and stayed longer in T-town with beth’s mom’s D!</p>

<p>@Boymomx3 - Don’t believe your son did all that on his own.</p>

<p>I just learned that even though DH was sent to help pack, lug to storage and help clean, it was a CC Mom who did my kids laundry in RCE. So Thanks unknown Mom for drying and folding :slight_smile: How did I learn this? Reviewing the Bama Cash activity and questioning DH as to why only 1 charge was made instead of the regular paired to charge for wash/dry.</p>

<p>Wow boymomx3! Your DS must be better than mine. Three suitcases? Did he live in a suite? I can’t imagine my boy getting everything he used to live with for 9 months in three suitcases. Did he have a bathroom/kitchen to clean too?</p>

<p>You’ll be amazed what they can accomplish when we’re not doing it for them! A LOT went into the recycle/donate bins and garbage or was passed on to friends staying this summer. I didn’t want the bedding coming home (I doubt it ever got washed). When we looked at the cost of an extra plane ticket for me, car rental and hotel costs, it made more $ sense to toss the things that didn’t fit in suitcases. One plastic bin is at friends (boots, coat, desk lamp). And no dorm cleaning charges on his account yet. </p>

<p>Longhaul, you are so lucky that CC mom did laundry duty-- every single thing my son brought home was dirty. </p>

<p>@boymomx3 - One thing I did right in raising my kids was instill that laundry by done by each kid themselves from 5th grade up. Now, that doesn’t mean it is always folded neat. And I can’t say it was all washed. DS is in a May Study abroad. I just assume the suitcase that came home is clean clothes and not a mix :)</p>