<p>...a jew. imnot racist, but i mean, Penn's mascot is a quaker and Jesuit schools have mascots like St. Ignatious and the Crusaders. So what if a jewish school's mascot were a Jew? Would that be seen as racist?</p>
<p>What kind of a jew will be a mascot? They rather sell, be bankers, doctors, politicians, or tax collectors.</p>
<p>^lulz at tax collector</p>
<p>u BC brah?</p>
<p>what about matzie the matzah?</p>
<p>By the way, Yeshiva University’s mascot is the Maccabbi.</p>
<p>Maybe a rabbi?</p>
<p>I wasn’t trying to imply anything racist…</p>
<p>It’s not racist.</p>
<p>Because Jews is not a race. Obviously.</p>
<p>^^^he just pwned this thread.</p>
<p>jew a mascot… i’ll stare at the mascot the entire game</p>
<p>technically they are considered a race for discrimination terms… like if you are forced to take an exam on a jewish festival thats considered racial discrimination… but teachers really don’t seem to care… its like ITS NOT MY FAULT I CAN’T COME TO SCHOOOOOL its the freaking new year</p>
<p>lol hitler.</p>
<p>There’s nothing wrong about the question but as a Jew I find some of these answers extremely rude and offensive.<br>
Post #2 for example-- how stereotypical, you really think that was funny?<br>
Post #11-- I really don’t think there’s anything laughable about saying Hitler. My grandmother’s cousins were all killed during the Holocaust. Please explain to me how that is funny?</p>
<p>Jews are a race</p>
<p>[Jew</a> - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia](<a href=“http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jew]Jew”>Jews - Wikipedia)</p>
<p>Uh how would that be racist? It would be stupid, but not racist.</p>
<p>You isn’t very well informed.</p>
<p>[Godwin’s</a> law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia](<a href=“http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin’s_Law]Godwin’s”>Godwin's law - Wikipedia)</p>
<p>I may came off a bit callous. I can’t believe I said something like that. It’s inevitable that somebody would consider it offensive.</p>
<p>The word “race” is not even in the wikipedia link. There is not a clear-cut answer. Sure, Jews can be race if you refer to the people of Israel specifically, but that is not what people refer to, so it is incorrect to call them a race.</p>
<p>[Race</a> (classification of human beings) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia](<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Race_(classification_of_human_beings]Race">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Race_(classification_of_human_beings))</p>
<p>Wrong, good sir.</p>
<p>lets get back to the discussion at hand: jewish mascots</p>
<p>as was previously mentioned Yeshiva Univeristy’s mascot is a maccabi</p>
<p>human mascots are creepy</p>
<p><a href=“http://gwired.gwu.edu/cms2/index.gw/n/off/p/downloadPhoto/d/19387/Site_ID/7[/url]”>http://gwired.gwu.edu/cms2/index.gw/n/off/p/downloadPhoto/d/19387/Site_ID/7</a></p>