<p>A lot of times, when people talk about how they did research, they mention that their parents weren't professors and that they didn't have any connections or anything. Well, my dad is a professor, but I haven't done any research, would this hurt me at all in college admissions? Like, I've tried to find stuff with professors and summer programs, but nothing worked out, and I guess it never occurred to me to try to get opportunities through my dad.</p>
<p>The issue is … did you WANT to do research? Just because your dad is the football coach, do you HAVE to play football? It’s a matter of showing passion for what it is you actually want to do with your life. If you didn’t do research, what did you do with your time instead? Was it productive? That’s really all that matters. My S is tone deaf, yet I’m a musician. Will that hurt him for college admissions? Of course not; he’s not planning on majoring in music.</p>