What if my teachers/counselor didn't follow the mailing instructions to not staple th

<p>What if my teachers/counselor didn't follow the mailing instructions to not staple the forms/recommendations to send to Stanford? Will Stanford simply not read my teacher's letter of recommendations and reject me? I feel depressed!</p>

<p>You're probably fine. I highly doubt they'll throw out your application just because you stapled a couple papers together.</p>

<p>sorry, no Stanford for you.</p>

<p>Of course you aren't going to be rejected solely on that basis.</p>

<p>I dont think there's a problem...</p>

<p>do not worry about things you cannot undo</p>


<p>my brother was recently sending in stuff for a writing competition
and I was amazed at the similarity of complex instructions between
Stanford and the writing submission for the competition.</p>

<p>It's funny how a lot of teachers don't read the instructions for these recommendation forms. But a school won't reject you because of that.</p>

<p>Haha, I freaked out when I found out my teacher had folded his recommendation. But oh well, I'm sure they can deal with the creases. :D</p>

<p>You're fine. </p>

<p>Chicago has a fun blog entry regarding how an application and accompanying materials are processed. The process is probably quite similar from school to school. Your post reminded me of this section: "Then, we take out the staples that are inevitably in whatever we find, right over the "please do not staple" note at the corner of every page."</p>