<p>My major as of right now is MCB, but it was recently made to my attention that Medical schools don't place higher priority on people who chose difficult majors. I'm going to be a sophomore next year, and I'm thinking about changing my major into something that will allow me to show my interest in the community and also allow me to do ec's on the side. However I am still interested in science, which is why I chose a Biology major in the first place. </p>
<p>So if I wanted to continue this track of learning science but show my interest in helping the community, what would be a good major? I was thinking Public Health, but since that's impacted I need a backup too.</p>
<p>I graduated from the University of Maryland College Park where I majored in Astrophysics and was still able to get into medical school. You can really major in whatever interests you as long as you get good grades. Also, I am pretty sure there is not a college or university in the country where Astrophysics is an impacted major.</p>
<p>My dad is a physician and majored in psych for his undergrad, and his field has nothing to do with psychology whatsoever. He always recommends it to anyone considering going into medicine.</p>
<p>But anyway, major in something you find interesting. Med schools don’t really care what your major was as long as you got good grades, and did your science courses, of course.</p>
<p>They only care about the classes you take, not the name of the major. Obviously there’s a correlation, but that doesn’t mean you should enroll in the hardest major if the major req courses are unnecessary.</p>