<p>ok, so i did the dumbest thing ever that might cost me admissions. I sent my app to WashU with "...that's what I intend to do a Yale and beyond." </p>
<p>o god, just smite me now.</p>
<p>im pretty sure I fall in the upper range of admitted students just from my scores alone and my main essay was actually really strong. but does that one word really kill your chance of admission?</p>
<p>That’s just what you get for doing college essays out of a mad-lib book.</p>
<p>Seriously though, there is no doubt they will understand that you made a mistake and what you intended to say. If it was “Why WashU?” prompt then its bad, but otherwise all you really told them was you are also applying to Yale.</p>
<p>It is OK to have a couple of schools to want to get into, but to use exactly the same reasons for wanting to go to each, IMO, would be a major faux pas. Admissions wants to know what it is about THEIR school that has you eager to be admitted. A generic essay would not garner you many points; so if this is a for real situation, I would send in a COMPLETELY different essay saying why you want to get into the college, and explain you sent in the wrong essay, and that was the one meant to go to Yale.</p>
<p>It’s a funny mistake, but it’s also a bit insulting and lazy… I would just quickly fix it. #3 has the right idea (cuz no one is opposed to lying)</p>