what is my chances of getting off the waitlist

<p>Hey guys I'm in the 2nd on the waitlist of the Music 26AC class with a limit of 390 and I'm an incoming freshman. I heard that the seniors and juniors get the priority to get in, so can I get into that class? The professor for it is Roberts, TC and I want to know if she is the one who has heavy french accents. </p>

<p>And also, I am taking Econ 1 this first semester and I heard that it's very hard. I didn't take AP Econ before, so can I do well in that class?</p>

<p>So...my schedule for now is
math 1A
Econ 1
music 26ac/ asamst 20a (consider to drop asamst 20a)
Education 98(college success)
14 units in total </p>

<p>Is this workload manageable?</p>

<p>thanks in advance</p>

<p>p.s. Or should I drop Econ 1 instead? So I have math 1A, music 26ac, asamst 20a and college success.</p>

<p>thanks…I clicked lol…who has taken music 26ac with Roberts, TC? I want to know if she has strong French accent that’s hard for me to understand.</p>