What is NU.in?

Is there any way to be put on the waitlist for regular admission?

Are all the programs in NUin major specific? Because what if I don’t know if I want to stick with my major lol

My son just completed the NUin program in December. His financial aid, with the exception of federal loans, was applied!

@screenname3488 it is recommended that you apply to site associated with the college you most strongly want. They are allied with curriculum to keep you on track. Some sites have more than one NEU school at that site.
The NUin option allows you to accept Northeastern if you decide. The wait list is not preferable as its a huge gamble guessing how much (or who) moves off the wait list. With NUin, you’re accepted.

My D loved her semester abroad, is completing her third coop and still set to graduate in Dec after 7 semesters.
You can also search YouTube for short videos each student does as part of a required global experience class. Search NUin Greece 2015, or whichever site you are curious about.

For those students and parents who are hesitant to go overseas there is an option in Montreal, Canada affiliated with McGill University. It is 300 miles from Boston but still provides a very international experience in a French speaking milieu.

@TomSrOfBoston Is the Canada option available even if it does not contain your major?

Unfortunately no.


Well, after my initial shock is over, the more I think about it, the more appealing it sounds. Depending on money, I think it would be kinda fun. I remember one of my teachers saying if you ever have the oppertunity, take it.

Hey! Just wondering… do they notify you about your admission to NUin along with your admissions decisions? Do they ever give out admissions to NUin separately? My friend miraculously got admitted back in Feb and is wondering if she still has a chance!


Currently, you either get regular or NU.in admission - not both. Your friend is not NU.in.

As I mentioned before, it’s possible/rumored that in the near future you can opt-in to the program, but it would not be your first semester.

Which location offers Applied Physics?

@PengsPhils That’s too bad :frowning: But thank you for helping either way!

Canada offers three schools (that’s a lot of majors) and also says “Undeclared students whose primary academic interest lies within CAMD, CSSH, or DMSB”. It is at McGill which is always on lists of top universities globally and is a very highly sought after admission for US students on its own.

Very helpful link. Thanks for sharing @PengsPhils. Looks like for Engineering you either go to Greece or Ireland. Just curious if the quality of education is on par with NE? When you come back after taking chem or calculus can you easily jump into classes in the Spring? Without any merit money or aid of any amount it is quite expensive. I am curious why there is available housing in the spring? Is it because kids drop out and some do internships? I would think that Freshman housing would still be full as no freshman would be doing an internship.

@Asil65 - They make sure that all students are up to speed to jump back into NEU without a problem. For example, apparently there was something covered in Northeastern’s calc 1 that didn’t get covered in the normal course in Ireland. So they had a few supplemental lectures just for the Northeastern students to make sure they were ready. As for housing, I think the biggest reason is because some people graduate mid-year. (With co-ops, this might be even more than at other schools.) An uneven distribution of co-ops might be a factor as well.

@nanotechnology so is there a chance that if we go do the nu in program they might not be able to house us when we come back to the us in the spring?

@crownvic No, housing is guaranteed and required.

So I guess my other question is more major related. If all of the ME spots are filled in the Freshman class in the fall are they hedging their bet that someone will drop out giving my son a spot in the Spring? How many students are in this program every year? How many are admitted and how many do the program? Could not find that info.

Housing is guaranteed on return from your abroad experience. When my D was in Greece she had no difficulty picking up right into the spring semester classes. Northeastern has way more movement into and out of dorms due to almost half of the student body could conceivably be off campus due to coop/study abroad/coop abroad. Of course quite a significant of coops are in Boston but there are still quite a large number leaving each semester.
My D was allowed to rank her choices before she returned and at that time some chose roommates from their fellow NUin classmates. She ended up happily in IV. There was another orientation and Welcome week in January.

I encourage you to attend NUin accepted student day which also answers a lot of questions.

Not sure how many offers are made but there is a total of about 500 NUIn students enrolled each year. Northeastern has a 96.7% freshman retention rate so there are not many dropouts. Northeastern’s structure is not like other colleges. The comings and goings of students on coop and other forms of experiential learning creates “space” for NUIn.