What is NU.in?

^I agree. The title is a publicity stunt, but the content is well worth a read.

If you ignore the title, the article is actually about all the positive things Northeastern did to position itself higher in the rankings. If you are in the Tour de France and the champions are all riding a certain style of bike and you decide to invest in that style and it helps you rise in the ranks, is that gaming the system? No. But taking steroids is. Northeastern invested in a better bike, not steroids.

Bump for recent posters.

I think @ClarinetDad16 is referring to the following paragraph from the article as they did specifically mention the NUin program:

…Aoun also began using spring enrollment to his advantage. In 2007 the school introduced N.U.in, a program that invites students with lower grades and SAT scores to spend their first semester abroad and begin their on-campus experience in the spring. U.S. News does not collect data for spring entrants, so those students’ lower grades and scores are excluded from the rankings. Editor Brian Kelly explains that U.S. News doesn’t require spring data because the federal government doesn’t either, but he concedes, “It’s possible that is a gaming window.”…

While I am bummed out I did not get a fall admit, I am strongly considering to join the NU.in program. I plan on to business school with concentration on finance. Since London has already been filled, what are some recommendations for locations that would be a best fit for my major? Thanks!

I kind of wanted to go to London since it is a great city and has a first language of English but I guess that won’t be happening…

What are your current other choices?

There are several sites lined up to fulfill business credits. Canada (McGill) is rapidly approaching full enrollment, Australia, Ireland are all English speaking countries, Greece is also aligned with D’Amore-Kim, classes are taught in English. My D is finance major, started in Greece, is currently on her third coop and set to grad after 7 semesters.
Best wishes with your decision.

Wow this seems, like a wonderful program. I am really surprised that there are some posters here who are really not pleased with the idea of spending 3 months studying abroad, that seems like a blast! A great compromise; you get an international experience and get to meet some new people in a foreign country for a few months, but get to do the majority of your education back home in the US, what is not to like? I guess if you are timid about leaving home (it is only 3 months) you can always go to McGil (it is only 5-6 hours drive and 10% of the student population is American anyway) but if it were me, personally, I would jump at the chance to spend 3 months studying in Europe or Australia (especially Australia)! It is 3 months to have a great adventure in some of the best places in the world; like a taste of doing a degree abroad without any of the risk (or crippling international fees) involved. If I were a freshman entering NEU I would be immensely looking forward to this. Get excited people, this is going to be a great experience!

Great program by NEU, and they have a solid list of international partner universities as well for this program so that is a very good thing.

It’s not really the fact that I have to get out of the US as I have lived in another country for 13 years. I just don’t like the fact that I will not be getting a full/normal freshman experience in Northeastern University. I kind of see NU.in as “playing” around for a semester and spending money. :confused: Getting a NU.in admit simply means that I am not as qualified as a fall admit student. I really messed up in my junior year hence, getting the NU.in admit… I’d rather stay somewhere than going somewhere for 3 months and then leaving.

Since the London and Canada locations are full, what would be a good location for a business major (finance)? I’m pretty bummed out London and Canada are all full because I really wanted to go there. I guess my only choices are either Ireland or Greece. Also, is there any way I could get into the London or Canada locations because people might reconsider their decision? Thank you!

bump for RD