What is the average SAT and ACT score at NU?

<p>Various websites like college *******.com and collegedata.com have admission statistics about Northwestern but every site have slightly different figures. I was wondering if anyone has a link to an article or page from Northwestern itself about 2015 admission stats. In particular I am interested in the median SAT and ACT scores at NU. </p>

<p>Thank you</p>

<p>My Wildcat son has heard the ACT average of current NU frosh & soph is 33.</p>

<p>A couple of years ago, NU reported the following as their 25%ile-75%ile range (NU 2009-10 CDS)</p>

<p>CR 670-750
M 690-780
W 670-760</p>

<p>ACT 31-33</p>

<p>The admissions % has fallen somewhat since this data came out so, maybe the averages have increased by a bit.</p>

<p>[Common</a> Data Set - Northwestern University](<a href=“http://www.ugadm.northwestern.edu/commondata/index.htm]Common”>http://www.ugadm.northwestern.edu/commondata/index.htm)</p>

<p>Here is the link to the Common Data Set for NU.</p>

<p>Awesome link Pizzagirl!</p>

<p>Not that awesome - just google “common data set” and “Northwestern” and it pops right up. You should be able to do that for most schools.</p>

<p>The CDS for 2010 - 2011 has not been released, but the acceptance rate declined. Several posters have indicated that the average ACT increased to 33. I cannot say that this is accurate, but based upon admissions in my region, it appears that average test scores did increase last year. Also, ED applications and acceptances increased last year. This also tends drive up scores for admitted students and improves yield rates.</p>

<p>Hey Pizzagirl – Congrats on hitting the big 10,000!!!</p>

<p>I have a friend who went there with a 33 ACT.</p>