what is the best major that is really popular in this university to be accepted in medical school?

Hi I want to choose a good major can you guys please help me about it

Kung Fu Panda:
There is no secret ingredient.

What are you interested in?

The most popular premed majors will be “a dime a dozen”. You will need to stand “head and shoulders above the crowd”. Follow your interests.

You choose your college major based on what most interests you. It could be chemistry (like I did then decided on medicine instead of grad school eons ago), one of several biological majors, math (that woman could finish in 3 years- not as many lab courses), psychology or any number of other majors.

Undergrad years are the time to take courses and get an education, not just prepare for a future job. You will do best in something you actively enjoy. Many physicians will have some sort of biology because they like it best. Most usually choose a STEM major because they are interested in sciences. But- now is the time to indulge in an English major, Philosophy or any number of nonscience majors.

A second consideration in choosing your major. Only around 1/3 of premed students will get into medical school. You need a plan B. Majoring in a field you can see yourself in decades later makes sense. Getting the minimum credits for neurosciences or some other biology means you will have plenty of competition for jobs and not be competitive for grad school.

Once you are at UW-Madison you can find out more about being premed.

You will be a more well rounded and interesting person if you take time to take fun, unusual courses in addition to required ones. Such things as literature, symphony and art history are useful decades later. There will be no time nor opportunities for that later when you are busy with life.

I am really confused about the things that I really love .but I quite sure that I am really interested in something that is a mixture of Chem ,bio and math and I am really interested in studying about different cultures too .so it is quite difficult to find something that has all of them together

In college you need to limit your focus to one or two majors and use your electives to explore other interesting subjects. There are not enough hours in a day, days in a week… to be able to study everything interesting in depth. College graduation signifies having studied something in depth, it is not just an accumulation of credits. For your major you will go far beyond the introductory courses, likely taking courses no one outside the major will take.

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You might want to look at biomedical engineering. It will have a heavy dose of chem, bio, and math. Electives will enable you to explore other interests, especially if you can take advantage of honors courses.

Epidemiology/public health might be a place where all (or most) of your interests come together.