<p>I’m planning on transferring to Davis, and my 1st plan was to major in Human Development. However, I have to take a lot of Anthro and Bio to fulfill requirements.</p>
<p>How is Human Development any different from Anthropology B.A.?
(I really hate bio and chem, but I’d much rather take Bio requirements for HD than chem lol!)</p>
<p>I am considering switching my major to Anthro, should I fail miserably in my bio classes.</p>
<p>That’s strange how you say you have to take a lot of bio to fulfill requirements for the HD major. On the requirements page, you only have to take 2 biology course for the lower division requirement (basically, you would take your CC’s equivalent of either BIS 2A OR BIS 10 OR MIC 10 OR NPB 10 and MCB 10. BIS 10, MCB 10, NPB 10, and MIC 10 are all for non-science majors), and that’s it. BIS 101 is listed as a choice for upper division requirements, but you don’t have to take it, because you have a choice between that, Human Development 117, Nutrition 111AV, OR Psychology 121. If your community college is making you take all these science classes for the HD major, they’re going to be pretty damn irrelevant to the HD major at UC Davis unless they’re equivalent to the science courses I’ve mentioned. </p>
<p>Human Development is an interdisciplinary major that incorporates studies from biology, anthro, urban studies, psychology, genetics, and statistics. Anthropology is more of a humanities-focused study on people and how they live, whereas human development looks more at studying human ability and internal processes. Anthro also does studies on evolution and human circumstance, which I dont think is included in HD. I guess, Anthro is more like human evolution over time and HD is like human evolution over an individuals life span. In HD you can also choose to focus on children or adults (which could be helpful if you want to go into pediatrics or geriatrics!).</p>
<p>Im hoping to transfer here for HD too; it sounds so interesting and the interdisciplinary aspect gets really cool imo.</p>