What is the friendliest Ivy?

<p>In terms of student body. Also, least friendly? Anyone's experiences or rankings?</p>

<p>I’m pretty sure that it’s an eight-way tie. Think about it - we’re talking about thousands and thousands of people in each case. On each campus there will be a vast number of friendly students, a small number of excessively friendly students, and a small number of less friendly students. I’ve had kids at Harvard where you might think there would be an air of haughty elitism. I always found it a remarkably friendly place full of witty, charming students.</p>

<p>Yep, you can’t really tell. But usually, people in rural places are generally nicer than those who live in cities. City life pressures people into being strong and independent and develop street smartness, which involves cunning. </p>

<p>So I’d say Cornell and Dartmouth are more friendly. Brown and Princeton next.
Columbia, UPenn, Harvard, and Yale are usually not as much.</p>

<p>But the differences are little to none I suppose. gadad has it right for the most part.</p>