<p>So I'm confused about the midyear report. In my mind a midyear report has always been like...a transcript with our marking period 1 & 2 grades WITH a list of our midterm grades. Now I'm just learning that our midterm grades aren't listed...and instead, it's just the counselor's assessment of whether or not our grades have changed dramatically.</p>
<p>Any input?</p>
<p>It contains both - a questionnaire to the Counselor asking about any changes and also the applicant’s most recent transcript!! :)</p>
<p>Yeah it includes your 1st semester senior grades on the new transcript and updated GPA/rank</p>
<p>It is a report done by your school counselor detailing your academics from the first semester. Many schools have a hard copy that you can print out to see what it asks.</p>
<p>Right but does it actually state all midterm grades? Like the actual exam grades?</p>
<p>^ It should contain the most recent transcript. What the transcript contains - is up to your school counselor to decide!! Mostly yes though, it should contain the grades!! :)</p>
<p>@iSeraphic & @SeraphsMom - Hilarious coincidence of names!! :p</p>
<p>Thank you
I just sent an email asking my counselor this question. </p>
<p>And wow I didn’t even notice the similarity of our names. LOL</p>