what is the probability of an African student entering Stanford?

<p>I had 2030 (CR:690 Maths:690 WR:650) on the December SAT and I intend to apply to Stanford. I am an international student from Nigeria. What are my chances? I am also applying to University of Chicago, Brown University, and University of Washington.
I came 2nd in the Kano state level of the Cowbell National Maths Competition, 1st in the Big Science Competition, 3rd in the state level of the Science Olympiad. I am 4th in a class of 125 and I have generally 6As out of 9 possible As in my transcript.</p>

<p>Do you need financial aid?</p>

<p>Yes. I do need financial aid.</p>

<p>Before someone is tempted to ‘chance’ the OP by CC standards, I would like to remind everyone that the OP is from an underdeveloped and underrepresented country. I know African students at my college who entered with lower test scores and a weaker academic background than most other students and still received full financial aid. In case someone’s curious, they are doing very well, they just need a semester or two to adjust and catch up.</p>

<p>b@r!um So are u saying I have a fairly good chance of going to Stanford?</p>

<p>I honestly don’t know what you chances are, but I think you should definitely apply.</p>

<p>Yes as what b@r!um said, you should definitely apply! Since I a have a 1380/2400 SAT score and still have ivies in my college list, I think everybody can apply loOl :)</p>

<p>i dunno abt chance but stanford is much much more than scores and numbers…</p>

<p>they look for strong charactered people, application essays are important as hell…</p>

<p>i cant emphasize enuf that scores are nt that important…
i encourage you to apply… </p>

<p>stanford is just great…just great…hehe…:D</p>

<p>well coming from a fellow nigerian who had higher scores (close to 200+ yours) and got rejected at bates, vassar, davidson and a whole list of supposedly easy schools…while also knowing other nigerians with lower scores than mine and yours who got into columbia, princeton, duke and yale (a large number of them are paying full scale)- I would say it is a whole lot of luck.</p>

<p>But I have to tell you the truth with scores like those your chances at stanford aren’t going to be extremely high because lots of nigerians apply to Stanford and stanford just needs a couple of us…lol. I would advise you to add more schools…like cornell, duke, columbia engineering, tufts if you are obssessed with top schools…because any international student asking for financial aid is in for a bumpy admission process. But all in all keep your fingers crossed</p>

<p>From yet another Nigerian (u can tell from d last name lol). I would advise u to look at state unis like: Umich, Georgia Tech, University of lllinios(Urbana Champaign). Getting fin aid at these schools is quite difficult, as they tend to favour in state students over intel students. But they are much cheaper than standford and offer excellent engineering programs. Georgia Tech usually comes fourth for best engineering uni, while UIllinois come fifth or fourth right after MIT, CalTech and Standford. With those SATs, Im sure you’ll get in.</p>

<p>Have u gotten a letter of rec. Well if u haven’t get one from the head of school or a teacher who knows well as a student, just to reiterate that you’re an outstanding student. Just a comment on the letter of rec; make sure they point out specific character traits and achievements that make you stand out (give them an idea of what makes a good letter or rec. I doubt they are used to writing them). All the same, I’ll seriously consider the schools afore mentioned.</p>