What Is The Total Cost To Attend UM?

<p>So my top choices are UF and UM. I am a Junior so I still have to get in, but I would like to stay in South Florida if possible but the price of UM is a little too steep from what I've heard.</p>

<p>I live around 1 hour from campus, so I would like to live in the dorms. </p>

<p>I am retaking the SAT since the first time I got a 1310 and I heard I need a 1350 for Scholarships. I am confident I will get that and am counting on a 20,000 or 24,000 scholarship.</p>

<p>I am also hoping to get good financial aid as my sister at NSU gets really good financial aid. Between scholarships and fin-aid, they're paying her to go there.</p>

<p>So how much is tuition and how much are the dorms? How much does it cost to be in a frat? I dont have to be in one but its a possibility. </p>

<p>I dont want to get in debt so I am hoping that I can get to go for somewhere close to free</p>

<p>Thanks in advance</p>

<p>[Undergraduate</a> | Enrollment Management | University of Miami](<a href=“http://www.miami.edu/index.php/office_of_financial_assistance/ug/]Undergraduate”>http://www.miami.edu/index.php/office_of_financial_assistance/ug/)</p>

<p>Thanks. But what I don’t get is why it only costs $2,000 for Freshman housing and food on campus than off campus?</p>

<p>What is the cost of a dorm? Because food is the same everywhere, whether you’re in college or not, you still have to eat.</p>

<p>UM site shows: 11,528 for on-campus room and board; this would be a direct cost on the University bill.</p>

<p>They are estimating 9,460 if a student lives off campus, not with parent or relative, and they are estimating 6,150 if a student lives with a parent or relative. They have no way of giving exact figures for these scenarios. </p>

<p>They are estimating that students can save about $2k by living off campus, in a rental apartment.</p>

<p>If you search in this forum, or look at YouTube videos, I think there are posts which talk about the cost of renting an apartment off campus.</p>

<p>@Dolphin, be careful not to “count on a 20,000 - 24,000 scholarship” without having another school as a safety (academic and financial) that you can love.</p>

<p>Is your sister’s “fin-aid” at NSU grants or loans?</p>

<p>Not including my scholarships/FL Prepaid/parking permit, this is a copy of my bill for Spring 2011:</p>

<p>12/17/10 ACTIVITY FEE 132.00<br>
12/17/10 MEAL PROCESSING FEE 40.00<br>
12/17/10 SPRING SINGLE ROOM - 4,467.00<br>
12/17/10 FL STATE TAX - MEAL 58.24<br>
12/17/10 ATHLETIC FEE 59.00<br>
12/17/10 AS SPRING UNDERGRAD 18,481.00<br>
12/17/10 SPRING 8 MEAL PLAN 1,855.76<br>
12/17/10 WELLNESS CENTER FEE 146.00 </p>

<p>So, without scholarships, that would be ~$50,000 per year.</p>

<p>Well, I would be happy anywhere I go. I will apply to UM, UF, FSU, UCF and NSU and would be extremely happy anywhere. I am not tied to anywhere. I just wanted to know the costs.</p>

<p>ranknr, do you know what the cost of a double room is? I am guessing it must be a little cheaper, right?</p>

<p>As for the scholarship, it is what is motivating me to work hard in school/SAT. Also, if I don’t get that kind of scholarship, there is no chance Im going to UM</p>

<p>As for my sister’s scholarships, they’re all grants. No loans.</p>

<p>And don’t get too caught up in the minimum SAT score they give either. I only had a 1270 SAT and I got a 20k scholarship. If you were able to get it up to a 1350+, depending on your other stats, obviously, a 24k or full-tuition scholarship wouldn’t be too much of a reach in my opinion.</p>

<p>@dolphinfreak, state universities ate of course much cheaper than private universities like UM. Even though I like their programs, the cost of attendance is pretty high. If you want to cut down on costs, consider joining the Gator Nation with me :)</p>

<p>But if I can get a good scholarship and good financial aid, both would cost the same and then I would have to choose between the 2 or 3, or 4</p>

<p>Yeah so you would have to decide which is better in terms of campus life if you feel that’s and important aspect</p>

<p>Scrambler - your post #8 is incredibly rude, ignorant and offensive. I have asked the mods to delete it. I suggest you watch your mouth on this forum.</p>

<p>I reported it earlier too Rockvillemom and now it and Scrambler are gone. I am very appreciative of the great moderators on these forums.</p>