<p>A kind of pointless, yet interesting (at least it is to me), thread.
When you give your word make sure to include the definition. Cause people like me could come along and be up all night looking up definitions to words if they don't know what they mean. lol And you could give why you like it, if you want. </p>
<p>Mine is phantasm.
Phantasm: a thing that exists only in the imagination.</p>
<p>sepulchre (er) - a tomb, grave, or burial place.</p>
<p>just about one of the very few "big" words I know, and more like a random memorable word rather than a "favorite" which probably changes everyday.</p>
<p>Floccinaucinihilipilification-an act or instance of judging something to be worthless or trivial
Etymology: the parts of the word each mean 'at nothing' or 'with a small price' (AKA Latin)</p>