What is your favorite word?

<p>A kind of pointless, yet interesting (at least it is to me), thread.
When you give your word make sure to include the definition. Cause people like me could come along and be up all night looking up definitions to words if they don't know what they mean. lol And you could give why you like it, if you want. </p>

<p>Mine is phantasm.
Phantasm: a thing that exists only in the imagination.</p>

<p>Sobriquet: An affectionate or humorous nickname.</p>

<p>I just came across this word recently.</p>

<p>Embellish-v-to beautify by or as if by ornamentation; ornament; adorn.</p>

<p>Pidgewigot-I word I made up 5 years ago and still use quite often to this day</p>

<p>Pidgewigot: A derogatory term referring to the importance of a pidegon. Synonyms: Rascal, Fiend</p>

<p>Example Sentence:</p>

<p>Oh you stupid pidgewigot!</p>

<p>sepulchre (er) - a tomb, grave, or burial place.</p>

<p>just about one of the very few "big" words I know, and more like a random memorable word rather than a "favorite" which probably changes everyday.</p>

<p>My favorite word is "substantial."</p>

<p>Don't ask me why.</p>

<p>Floccinaucinihilipilification-an act or instance of judging something to be worthless or trivial
Etymology: the parts of the word each mean 'at nothing' or 'with a small price' (AKA Latin)</p>

<p>inevitable- incapable of being avoided or prevented</p>

<p>i don't know why..i've just always liked that word</p>

<p>Parochial: narrow-minded</p>

<p>^ Ha, it looks like "Parachute," that is why I like it.</p>

<p>Surreptitious-Done in stealth or secrecy.</p>

<p>Moist - moderately or slightly wet; damp. </p>


a deep, steep-walled basin on a mountain (scrabble word FTW!)</p>

<p>Oh... and FJELD: a high, barren plateau</p>

<p>As for insults I like to simply call people sophists.</p>

<p>superfluous-having more than necessary.</p>

<p>Bibliophile - someone who loves books or
ameliorate - to make better</p>

<p>I don't use them much, but I think they both sound really cool.</p>

<p>Serendipity - when someone accidentally discovers something fortunate</p>

<p>Hypms .</p>

<p>On the flip side, I hate any form of the word "supply" and the word "notes."</p>

<p>The latter partly because of how my AP Lang. teacher used to pronounce it and emphasize all the wrong parts of it.</p>

<p>Don't ask why or how.</p>


<p>A word I made about a couple of years ago. Could be applied to anything:</p>

<p>Ex. 1: Q) How are you? A) Daba.
Ex. 2: Q) How are you Daba?
Ex. 3: <em>In random silent moment</em> Daba.
Ex. 4: In happiness: Daba!</p>

<p>harbinger: someone or something that foreshadows what is to come</p>