What is your reading "style"?

I used to feel guilty if I didn’t finish a book but I decided life is too short and if I don’t like it no need to continue with it.


I’m very impressed by anyone who reads 2 or more books a week! I do love reading but life requires too many other things taking up time!

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Not during a pandemic when you are on a self imposed lockdown due to your husband’s health. :grimacing:

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I read more now that I am retired. Work had a way of cutting into my reading time.


Reading style depends on my procrastination level. I often decide to join a book club discussion far too late to read for pleasure, so need to spend hours speed reading a few days before. Reading for my own pleasure is more balanced, a few chapters a day.

I enjoy non-fiction far more than any fiction. Biographies, Historical memoirs, Political, analysis, Science, etc. Same with movies actually. Real-Life accounts are so much more interesting to me than Fantasy. Would love to find a book club group with a non-fiction emphasis, but no luck so far.

You have described my reading style to a T! With one exception – I keep many of my books. I only give away the ones I didn’t enjoy. I love being surrounded by shelves of books in almost every room of my house. I can’t imagine living in a house with no books.