<p>I don’t want to say my school’s number in the nation, but it’s in the top 100.</p>
<p>This scale is for most classes, but AA and AP Chemistry teachers curve, one APUSH teacher curves tests while the other curves homework and the Physics AP and Calc BC teachers curve tests. Some others may curve, but I don’t think so.</p>
<p>90-100 A
80-89 B
70-79 C
60-69 D
0-59 F</p>
<p>Of course, an 89.5 (et similis) are rounded up.</p>
<p>The thing is, mine differs per class. Our school doesn’t have a uniform scale of grading for some reason, and there’s probably lots of different systems (maybe not drastically different, but a couple %'s here and then and etc…)</p>
<p>Oh and Honors is the same as Regular, and AP’s are +1 extra.</p>
<p>… and so on, this pattern goes on until D-
<p>F 50 and below</p>
<p>our school’s really competitive with the +'s and -'s… usually everyone’s in the A+/A/A- range… I remember this kid getting a B and the lowest grade in the class…</p>
<p>A+ 97-100
A 93-96
A- 90-92
B+ 87-89
B 83-86
B- 80-82
C+ 77-79
C 73-76
C- 70-72
D+ 67-69
D 63-66
D- 60-62
F 0-59</p>
<p>GPA is on a messed up scale 0 to 4.0 that designed to punish kids as much as possible. Shop classes like auto shop and wood shop are -1.0. Regular classes are -0.5. Honors classes are +0. AP classes are +0.5.</p>