What joint or dual degree would this fall in for bachelor's?

I’m still in pursuit of searching for a bachelor’s degree. I might dump the AS in Physics degree if I find a good bachelor’s degree. I wanted to contact a University but most of them do not have a Zoom drop-in link.

These courses are my interest.

Physics, 1,2,3

Calc 2,3 already taking Calc 1 at my CC.

Differential Equations
Linear Algebra
Biology 1
Biology 2
Biology Human Structure and Function 1
Biology Human Structure and Function 2
Microbiology is known as General Microbiology
Gen Chem 1,2
Organic Chem 1,2
General Botany 1

I think some colleges for example can have a dual degree maybe like one portion will be chemistry and one portion will be biology.

I still have time to choose a university I like :slight_smile:

That’s not what a dual degree means. Usually a dual degree refers to two different degrees at two different levels. Like BS + MS program or a BS +DO program. or a BFA +MFA, etc.

You can have a double major in college that earn you two bachelor’s degrees.

But the issue is that you’re not allowed to “double dip”–i.e. use a single class to satisfy the graduation requirements for two different majors. (Some colleges will allow 1 or 2 classes to count for both majors, but not more than that.)

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I see I’m looking at the UIC catalog and join degree is the term that matters more since a single bachelor’s is better with the joint. Dual is not what I’m looking

You don’t need a dual major or whatever. You need ONE bachelors degree major to graduate.


Start at the beginning: what is your primary goal in getting a college degree? (ie, do you want to go into a health care profession? science research? etc)


I’m just experimenting with theories for now. Until I find that degree and profession I really want.

After a break from my CC courses today, my mind is relaxed. I really want to help people and make sure there is a smile on their faces :slight_smile: While making a good amount of money.


Since you’ve mentioned UIC, here are some links that may help with your research… on career opportunities and also the requirements to be admitted into the program. Acceptance into nursing and most health-related programs can be very competitive. Obviously there are many other nursing programs, but I am including UIC’s as an example to get you started if you are at all interested in nursing as a career. Good luck with your research and educational pursuits.


I believe these links may be especially helpful. They provide information on prerequisites to be accepted into the UIC BSN program and courses that will transfer for credit.

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I’m linking a comment I read on another thread. Notice the description of nursing… “compassionate, conscientious, organized, efficient, competent, and able to work with a team.” That sounds like what you seem to be looking for in a rewarding career.

Additionally @parentologist points out the many BSN programs available and that high level math may not be required. I believe you mentioned on another thread that math may not be your favorite subject.

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I like math but when you have to build the problem and then do all sorts of mathy stuff is very time consuming, especially doing it on pencil and paper most of the time. I’m not good at using graphing calcs, it’s going to take some time to get use to the user interface of calculators.



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Actually not quite. A dual degree is two different degrees including at the undergrad level. My DD is getting two separate bachelors degrees - BBA and BA. A double major is two majors that confer the same degree, eg, sociology and history - BA.


Interesting. I learned something new. :smiley: I always used “double major” and “dual degree” interchangeably. But that makes sense. Thank you!


This just looks like a standard biology major with a few extra classes in math (diff eq) and physics (astronomy). Most bio majors require intro courses in physics and chemistry. You can just major in biology and take the other classes you’re interested in as electives.


Interesting :slight_smile:

Yes, my friend did major in bachelor’s of science in biology concentration.

She took everything in CC and just transferred those math courses because she hates math and physics :laughing: On the other hand. Only spent time on the core courses

A double major can have two separate degrees like a BS and a BA. Only one degree may be awarded with two majors listed in the transcript.

I disagree with you. Check out the explanation for a few colleges. This is something we looked into extensively given my D’s very separate planned majors. She’s getting a dual bachelors - two separate bachelors degrees - BBA and BA. It would have been the same at every school. Now had she chosen econ and her foreign language, she would have ended up with a single bachelors and two majors. The BA + BS are so similar that a single degree sometimes gets awarded due to the overlap. In that case the school confers either a BS or BA not both. So that’s still just a double major, not a dual degree.

My kid had a double major…so one diploma with both majors listed.

If she had done a double degree, her school would have awarded her a diploma for each separate degree.

But the requirements were different!

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This is also a very common situation for BFAs. Indeed there’s a whole thread about it Double Degree Dilemma essay (written by David Lane) - #19 by SDave03

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Let us see what happens when D graduates this spring. D has two different majors- one a BS degree and another a BA degree. Only one degree BS may be awarded at commencement. Two majors are from two different departments within the same college.

A student who meets the major requirements of two departments may declare, and have recorded on his or her transcript, a double major . … One department must be declared the primary department for the purpose of registration and college graduation requirements

That’s the same college. That’s a double major. My D’s degrees are in two separate colleges - the business school and the college of arts & sciences. It took a crazy number of credits to pull off due to double counting restrictions and separate college general requirements. I think she’s graduating with something like 230 credits - doable only because she came in with almost 90 credits from AP/IB, took two summers of intensive foreign language instruction in the US and abroad, and overloaded every semester (would have had lighter credit loads but for the senior year masters degree program she’s also completing).