What kind of a chance do I have?

<p>Hi there, </p>

<p>I'm a Hispanic female. My unweighted GPA is 3.7 (not sure about weighted). I haven't gotten my SAT scores yet, but judging from PSAT/practice tests, I should be somewhere around a 1450-1500. I have taken 4 AP classes, and will be taking 4 more next year. Swimming and Water Polo captain for 2 years in a row, and Yearbook Editor next year. I have a good amount of community service (about 200 hours and counting), and am in 4 honors societies. </p>

<p>What kind of a chance do I stand for some of the bigger universities? I don't mean Ivy Leagues, more along the lines of Georgetown, North Western, UNC at Chapel Hill...</p>

<p>(If it makes a difference, I know that I am going to have really stellar recommendations, and I can usually pull-off rather good essays if I work at them).</p>

<p>Any input in really appreciated!</p>

<p>It's hard to say without more information on test scores and GPA/rank, but I'd say you have a good chance at all those schools. Georgetown tends to be somewhat difficult to predict for acceptances, but you certainly could get in if you show an upward grade trend and high SATs. </p>

<p>Good luck.</p>

I haven't gotten my SAT scores yet, but judging from PSAT/practice tests, I should be somewhere around a 1450-1500.


<p>Is this estimate for just the M&V?</p>

<p>Yes. I didn't factor in writing because I haven't seen too many colleges reporting those stats yet.</p>