What kind of calculator should I buy? Does it actually matter?

Hey everyone. So I don’t have a math class my first semester of college, but I know that I’ll be taking classes like chemistry, statistics, and pharmacology in the future. In my high school chemistry and statistics classes, I used the TI-84 Plus graphing calculator because my school provided it. I don’t think colleges give out calculators though lol. So I’m wondering, what calculator should I use for college as a nursing major? Do professors care what you use or is it just each person’s preference?

I would wait until you can ask your professors before you go out and buy a $100 calculator. I’ve had my TI -83 since middle school, and I thought I would use it a lot, but my nursing classes only allow me to use a basic 2 dollar calculator for conversions. Some classes won’t want you to use more advanced calculators. I DID need my TI -83 for statistics though, but I’d look at what your professors wants, and don’t waste extra money on a super fancy calculator (TI - 84) if you could get away with a simpler and cheaper one (TI - 82/3) since you might not use it all of the years :slight_smile:

@SandyScrubs I actually have to take statistics next semester so I guess I’ll wait until then :slight_smile: Lol yeah I just started using a TI-84 because my school gave one to each kid. A less fancier one will be fine too. Thank you!!