what kind of job can u get with communication major?

<p>someone told me the other day that are going to major in communication</p>

<p>what job can u get with it?
what is the salary like?</p>

<p>It is obviously not a specific skillset, like Accounting or something. A communication(s) major is probably a good candidate for very many job opportunities, in general , as long as some quantitative skills can support the curriculum.</p>

<p>My mom is a professor of communications at a university</p>

<p>Public relations in either an agency or corporate setting.</p>

<p>you could spin and go into journalism too</p>

<p>Lots and lots. My uncle is a comm major and he runs a highly succesful ad agency in NYC. But, in addition to advertising you could do things in journalism, Public Relations, broadcasting for radio, television broadcasting. </p>

<p>A lot of schools offer different specializations and such within the communication major label such as visual media or linguistics.</p>