<p>...or at UCs in general? Is it the less bright students who spent all of their time studying in high school or is it the above average students who have slacker tendencies? I think both of the weaknesses apply to me (I don't think I'm super intelligent compared to the UCLA student body and I'm DEFINITELY a slacker.) Realistically, what am I getting into? Would someone like myself be better off at a "lower tier" UC?</p>
<p>haha you can't be a bigger slacker than me, and I'm doing fine at UCLA :)</p>
<p>Icarus— Let me put it this way... It's the fourth quarter and out of the three classes I have that require textbooks I've only picked up one (which I've used outside of school <em>maybe</em> 5 times.) When I tell people I got into UCLA they usually laugh.</p>
<p>LOL thats great - I applaud your procrastination. I wouldn't worry about it - you'll do great at UCLA.</p>
<p>LOL i actually know students at UCLA who by the time of their finals, havent even bought their textbooks yet. yeah. i dont know how they get by. </p>
<p>procrastination wont kill you, but its negative effects are a lot worse at UCLA than it is in high school cuz of the quarter system. </p>
<p>the kind of kids who struggle are either those who dont try, those who party too much, those who slack off like crazy, those who dont adapt to a big college or college in general, and those who have expectations that dont match up with reality (whatever those may be). </p>
<p>i was just posting this somewhere else, but if you seriously don't think you'll do at least mediocre academically at UCLA, perhaps give yourself a second thought. just cuz one got in doesnt necessarily mean they will do good in that college (although usually they do). i know a friend who got into cal, but knew he wasnt academically on par with the rest of the students and he isnt the hardest worker, and chose UCSD instead and is enjoying it there.</p>
<p>hey kfc4u congrats on ur 1000th post lol heh.</p>
<p>I guess I've always been a procrastinator too. I've always gotten A's (only one B in high school), but my high school doesn't really have the highest standards when it comes to academics. For example, my PreCal teacher let students turn in Cadbury Eggs and calculator batteries for extra credit.</p>
<p>LOL! If I were a teacher I'd accept Cadbury Eggs (I'm very sad Easter has passed, and I have to wait a year for those things to come back now!) as bribes. :)</p>
<p>Hahaha, yeah. All the students in her class majorly stock up on them during easter time. My friend's grade was suffering and he ran out, and was DESPERATELY calling every store in the county trying to find them. Finally he found them at a truck stop like 20 miles away, lol. Some teachers these days... :)</p>